said US officials, backed by the forces of the United States have arrested members of the "Daesh" in connection with a bombing in Syria , which killed four US soldiers. 

One official said that "the number of detainees about 10", while another said that "previous arrests in February," without revealing the number of detainees. 

The attack, the heaviest attack, has targeted Americans in Syria since the United States deployed ground troops there in 2015 and took place in a cafe in the town of Manbaj, controlled by forces allied with US-backed Kurdish forces.

Jonathan Farmer of the 2nd Battalion, Shannon Kent, a decryption specialist in the US Navy, and Scott Wertz of the Defense Intelligence Agency were killed. The attack also killed US citizen Ghadir Tahir, a civilian translator. 

The US military warns that the Da'ash organization may still have tens of thousands of fighters in different parts of Iraq and Syria with enough leaders and sufficient resources to launch a threatening insurgency in the coming months. 

Issued the Office of the Inspector General at the US Department of Defense , " Pentagon ", an internal oversight body, a report last month in which he said, " The organization Daesh a rebel group active still renewed its functions and enhance its capabilities in Iraq than in Syria quickly."