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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Balloon launch peace from Tahrir Square to support the armed forces

    Admin Assist
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    Balloon launch peace from Tahrir Square to support the armed forces Empty Balloon launch peace from Tahrir Square to support the armed forces

    Post by Rocky Mon 09 Jan 2017, 1:38 am

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    Balloon launch peace from Tahrir Square to support the armed forces

     Baghdad / term 

    It launched a voluntary team, on Sunday, the effectiveness of balloon peace of Tahrir Square in central Baghdad, in support of the armed forces which is locked in its war against al (Daesh). And with the exception of media representatives Hits expression of "peaceful coexistence", called on citizens to "serious pause" with members of the armed forces. Said Captain Morteza Shomran, in charge of the event in an interview with the (range): " The Organization's peace team (Development), launched the effectiveness of balloon peace in Tahrir Square in central Baghdad, in support of the security forces and the crowd and popular participation of the joy of victory." 
    Shomran added that "Mntadna written on it , " the peace of Iraq " in several languages speak to the whole world that we are striving for peace and we are fighting for peace." 
    For his part, described the media Mohammed al - Shammari Hits as "positive step , " noting that such a balloon raises the center of Baghdad is an expression of peaceful coexistence, togetherness and unity among the components of society , particularly in these days. "As he emphasized citizen Abdul Rasool Mohsin (range)," the need for such events like a peace of citizens and the armed forces fighting in the fronts and give sacrifices message and need for this stance by everyone. "

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