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    Judge Jeanine absolutely excoriates Rosie O’Donnell for ‘stupid’ martial law tweet


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    Judge Jeanine absolutely excoriates Rosie O’Donnell for ‘stupid’ martial law tweet Empty Judge Jeanine absolutely excoriates Rosie O’Donnell for ‘stupid’ martial law tweet

    Post by Lobo Mon 16 Jan 2017, 2:26 pm

    Judge Jeanine absolutely excoriates Rosie O’Donnell for ‘stupid’ martial law tweet

    Jon Street 2 hours

    Fox News host Judge Jeanine Pirro took comedian Rosie O’Donnell to task Saturday night for tweeting her support for “martial law” until President-elect Donald Trump is “cleared” of all legal charges.
    “I FULLY SUPPORT IMPOSING MARTIAL LAW – DELAYING THE INAUGURATION – UNTIL TRUMP IS ‘CLEARED’ OF ALL CHARGES,” O’Donnell tweeted Wednesday, later invoking questions over Russia’s alleged interference in the Nov. 8 election.
    Pirro responded to O’Donnell’s comments Sunday, accusing her and other “liberal Hollywood leftists” of being “straight-up communists.”
    Trump hasn’t been charged with anything, she added — while the president-elect is not facing any criminal charges, number of civil lawsuits against him and his businesses are still pending.
    “For him [Trump] to be cleared, there’d have to be a trial. Ain’t no trials happening, Rosie, during martial law,” Pirro jabbed, further calling O’Donnell’s tweet “stupid.” Then, adding insult to injury, Pirro pointed out that if martial law were to be imposed, O’Donnell wouldn’t like it.
    “A little primer, Rosie. When they do [impose martial law], people like you who call for the overthrow of the president meet a firing squad,” Pirro said.
    The Fox host didn’t stop there, criticizng O’Donnell for past comments in which she wondered whether Trump’s youngest son, Barron, has autism. O’Donnell eventually apologized for the tweet, acknowledging that it was “insensitive.”
    That didn’t stop Pirro from blasting O’Donnell for singling out the 10-year-old as “classless and rude as it gets.”
    And in one final point, Pirro further mocked the Hollywood celebrity, saying: “And you call Trump mentally unstable?”

      Current date/time is Fri 20 Sep 2024, 12:16 pm