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    Trump: Merkel made a disastrous mistake to receive one million immigrants

    Admin Assist
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    Trump: Merkel made a disastrous mistake to receive one million immigrants Empty Trump: Merkel made a disastrous mistake to receive one million immigrants

    Post by Rocky Mon 16 Jan 2017, 2:51 pm

    Trump: Merkel made a disastrous mistake to receive one million immigrants
    [ltr]Trump: Merkel made a disastrous mistake to receive one million immigrants Bullet

    Mon, 16 Jan 2017 19:56:08

    # Algmehorah_uz

    Described US President - elect, Donald Trump, decision of the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, to receive more than a million immigrants in the country, as " a catastrophic mistake." 
    Trump said that Merkel is the most powerful leader in the European Union, and thus the European Union , however , Germany has become. 
    Trump 's comments came in an interview with a British newspaper and other German display the details and goals of his foreign policy. 
    He said in his interview with The Times newspapers Bild and that his policy priority is to establish the foundations for a more equitable trade, strengthening the US border, the urgent need to address the issue of the US trade deficit with the rest of the world, and China in particular. 
    He added that his government would focus on smart trade, not free trade. 
    The interview was conducted for the Times by British MP, Michael Gove, who was instrumental in the current campaign calling for Britain out of the European Union, he writes regularly for the newspaper. 
    And picked up social networking sites image Gough with US President - elect in the "Trump Tower" in New York. 
    Asked whether it would sign an agreement with Russia, Trump replied that the agreement if he should include nuclear weapons "and reduced significantly" against the lifting of US sanctions on Moscow. 
    He condemned the invasion of Iraq in 2003, calling it may be the worst decision taken by the United States in its history, he said he was supposed to create safe zones inside Syria, paid for by the Arab Gulf States, an ally of the United States. 
    In a separate interview, Trump said he almost completed the preparation of a draft compensates health insurance approved by his predecessor, Barack Obama 's program, and knows his name, and added that the program will provide health insurance for all and at less cost, and that the program to be unveiled as soon as the appointment of the Minister of Health Tom Price. 
    US President - elect also talked about Britain out of the European Union, described the referendum result as " an intelligent decision", saying: "States want their identity, and Britain wants its identity, and I think that you are on the right track." 
    Trump predicted that other States will follow Britain 's lead, saying: "I think that people want their identity, and if you ask me, I think that other countries will emerge from the European Union." 
    He stressed that he would begin his reign " of confidence in the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, German Chancellor, Angela Merkel , " and see "how much will last this trust." 
    With regard to global security, said Trump that he warned long ago that "NATO has problems," including that the alliance outdated because it was founded many years, and that Member States do not pay them the money, pointing out that the five countries only contribute to including them NATO 's budget. 
    Asked US President - elect, whether it will continue to use Twitter after his inauguration, replied that he will continue in the usually post messages and comments on social networking sites, adding: I thought of minimizing the writing on Twitter, but I touch upon the media coverage is fair. " 
    It is scheduled to receive Trump power in the United States officially.

      Current date/time is Sun 15 Sep 2024, 8:54 pm