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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Member of the parliamentary security-announce the highlights of the new security plan in the capit

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      Member of the parliamentary security-announce the highlights of the new security plan in the capit Empty Member of the parliamentary security-announce the highlights of the new security plan in the capit

    Post by Rocky Wed 18 Jan 2017, 4:17 am

    Member of the parliamentary security-announce the highlights of the new security plan in the capital

    Wednesday January 18 2017 09:46
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    / Baghdad
    Announced the Commission on Security and Defense parliamentary member Adnan al -Asadi , on Wednesday, for the most prominent general points to be included in the new security plan for the capital, stressing that security in Baghdad would not be possible without the completion of the security wall thereof and opposed his stay he wants thecontinuation of terrorist operations.
    Asadi said in an interview with Alsumaria's News, "The ongoing terrorist operations in the capital need to adjust plans on an ongoing basis to ensure the achievement of full flexibility to achieve the goals and stop the bloodshed," noting that "the new Baghdad security plan year Bmnzawrha fact that we can not detect with details include the lifting of readiness intelligence work and activating fixed Flyer detachments and detachments or moving fast in many areas. "

    He added, "The plan will include a re-audit of data many civilians in some areas, those who seem to suspect, as well as control of landlords and tenants and complete information on each new dwelling areas," pointing out that "the examination of explosives and wheels sonar and sniffer dogs, the devices (to 9) will be evaluated and activated in the outlets and inlets of the capital. "
    Asadi pointed out that "the issue of the completion of the security fence Baghdad is a step has to be to go out and give them priority within the security work, the fact that the capital Baghdad, the security fence without security will not come in. It is opposed to the residence he wants the continuation of terrorist operations."
    Experiencing the capital Baghdad bombings continuing on a daily basis and the last was a car bomb Tuesday night in Abu Dshir area south of the capital.

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