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    Trump's education secretary won't take a salary from taxpayers


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    Trump's education secretary won't take a salary from taxpayers Empty Trump's education secretary won't take a salary from taxpayers

    Post by Lobo Fri 20 Jan 2017, 6:26 pm

    Trump's education secretary won't take a salary from taxpayers
    By Jason Russell (@JRussellMI) • 1/17/17 8:48 PM

    At her Senate confirmation hearing Tuesday, President-elect Trump's selection to lead the Education Department, Betsy DeVos, said she won't accept a salary, assuming she's confirmed for the job.
    "If confirmed, I will only take a salary of $1, to be official, but I don't intend to take a salary either," DeVos said.
    DeVos and her family are worth approximately $5.1 billion combined, thanks to their success building the Amway company.
    Not only that, but DeVos is committed to divesting from many of her private business ties to avoid any possible conflicts of interest. That divestiture means she would get a large amount of capital gains income. DeVos could save a lot of money if she deferred the taxes she'd have to pay on that income.
    Instead, DeVos committed on Tuesday to not defer payment on those taxes on those capital gains.
    "I do not intend to take advantage of that loophole," DeVos said.

      Current date/time is Tue 17 Sep 2024, 3:36 am