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    Governmental amendments to the pension law to include workers in the private sector

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Governmental amendments to the pension law to include workers in the private sector Empty Governmental amendments to the pension law to include workers in the private sector

    Post by Rocky Thu 26 Jan 2017, 1:51 am

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    Governmental amendments to the pension law to include workers in the private sector

     Baghdad / Saja Hashim 

    Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed, on Wednesday, for the Council of Ministers to withdraw the retirement law to be amended , and add special paragraphs of the retirement of the private sector. In turn , it considered the parliamentary committee working employees in the private sector be included into the pension bill that would ease the pressure on government jobs. 

    The MP said Sarhan Ahmed, a member of the parliamentary finance committee, (range) that " the government withdrew the public pension law for reformulating a way that supports the private sector , " adding that " the law as amended and integrated retired private sector law will change its name to be a social insurance law ". 
    He denies MP informed the committee on the amendments that the government be conducted by the law, expressing his hope that " the government takes into account the service of the staff and not to disadvantage their rights as well as taking into account the economic aspect of the country." 
    On the duration of the government amendments, says the Finance Committee member , said "determined to pass the amendments to the parliament, and we hope to approve the law and should not be delayed because it serves a large and important segment of the community is waiting impatiently, legally Ancefha and guarantee their rights." 
    In turn , it considered the parliamentary committee work included the private sector to the pension law that would reduce the burden on the government, but acknowledged the government 's lack of mechanisms to enforce the law after approval. 
    MP says Kanna, a member of the Committee on Labor and Social Affairs, (range) that " the integration of the private sector pension law is a good step because it will ease the pressure on government departments and government employment." "The citizens will go to work to the private sector and ensures receiving a pension equal peers with government officials, and will turn the community into productive society , rather than to be a consumer." 
    He said that we were "special private sector is through an employer who will be forced to pay to the government cuts income, and thus ensures worker receiving a pension after they shall be retired." And on the private sector 's commitment to ensuring the rights of workers in it, says a member of the Committee on Labor and Social Affairs , "the government has to do the tax system as well as the organization of collection to ensure you get the deduction for retirement." 
    He went on we were saying , " So far there is no universal electronic system through which the government can find out imports and disbursements of each company in the private sector for the purpose of tax collection on the basis of ." The MP Magda al - Tamimi, a member of the Finance Committee, said in a press statement that " the pension law in recent its amended version went to modify the legal age and also purchase the rest of the legal age for retirement purposes in addition to the salary rate ratios for retirees." It said al - Tamimi said "in order to get out of the government sector crisis and the trend towards the private sector, the Council of Ministers will discuss the pension law and supports the vertebrae own the sector through guaranteed for workers in the private sector within the pension law to have equal rights with the public sector retirement vocabulary." Announced that the national pension body, the end of December last, the launch of salaries uniform covered by the system to retire during the first quarter of the year 2017, in addition to working on linking most state departments to send electronic data network in accordance with modern database management salaries unified system which is to be launched, in addition to the guidance the need to set a timetable for the implementation of the salaries of retirees manage the new system 
    's cabinet, approved in April 2016, the second amendment to the draft law to the unified Retirement Law number nine for the year 2014, and forwarded directly to the House of Representatives. It is said that the number of retirees in the country 's estimated three million.

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