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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Ameri bloc refuses to pass laws to "political deals" and calls for accelerated approval

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Ameri bloc refuses to pass laws to "political deals" and calls for accelerated approval  Empty Ameri bloc refuses to pass laws to "political deals" and calls for accelerated approval

    Post by Rocky Tue 16 Jul 2013, 4:57 pm

    Ameri bloc refuses to pass laws to "political deals" and calls for accelerated approval

    Tuesday, July 16, 2013 Twilight News / block called the Badr Organization of the Iraqi Council of Representatives internalized within the National Alliance to accelerate the adoption of retirement laws, oil and gas and the criminalization of the Baath, refusing to pass important laws according to political deals far from the legislative role of the House of Representatives.
      And crossed the Member of Parliament for the Badr Organization Mona Saleh al-Amiri said in an interview for "Twilight News" refusal to pass laws to political deals, the strict pass laws stalled because of political differences matter the interests of the country and the role of parliament in the legislation of laws that establish state institutions sober.

    Amiri refused to deal with "political deals" over the legislation of any law, saying that in front of all the blocks of the responsibility of building state institutions. According to the Iraqi constitution and not overtaking him. According to narrow political interests.

    And pawned Amiri National Alliance's ability to pass important laws in the country, the unity of the coalition, afterthought that any of alliances with blocks outside the coalition will delay the adoption of laws Broken.

    Iraq's parliament faces popular and official criticism because of the wide disable a number of important laws and the efforts of the blocks for approval According to political and national swaps "one basket."

     And criticized the religious and academic institutions in Iraq efforts  Passage of laws in the House of Representatives per basket according to formula principle Almradah and comity between the political blocs, prompting  Presidency of the Council of Representatives   To declare Adoption of controversial laws and broken by a vote of the incompatibility of the political blocs on the approval and approval efforts failed one basket.

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