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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Alwani warns of increasing differences among blocs participating in the political process


    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Alwani warns of increasing differences among blocs participating in the political process  Empty Alwani warns of increasing differences among blocs participating in the political process

    Post by chouchou Wed 17 Jul 2013, 3:39 am

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    BAGHDAD / NINA / MP, of the Iraqiya coalition, Khalid Abdullah al-Alwani warned from the risk of the current political situation that Iraq is going through, calling on everyone to restore to constructive dialogue to end the political crisis, stressing that Iraq cannot be governed by a class or party or group alone.

    Al-Alwani said in a statement on 17, July: "The tension prevails in relations between the parties involved in the political process, and even participating in the government became so risky, which may lead to disable and paralyze the economy and state institutions, as well as it works to increase tension in society."

    The MP, of Anbar province added that the interests of the country and citizens require delinquency to open dialogue and put all files on the table to be discussed under the constitution and the previous agreements and understandings, through which necessary mechanisms to implement the program of comprehensive reform to ensure a true partnership in the management of the State and hold responsibility, within the time limits agreed upon by the parties.

    He stressed that "Iraq is a country of multi-ethnic, religions, sects and political trends and cannot be governed by one national, party or individual."

    He called on the government to respond to the demands of the demonstrators as a step to reassure citizens as well as working for the release of innocent detainees. / End

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