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    Loans for citizens up to 80% of the value of the housing unit in Basmaja

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     Loans for citizens up to 80% of the value of the housing unit in Basmaja Empty Loans for citizens up to 80% of the value of the housing unit in Basmaja

    Post by Rocky Tue 31 Jan 2017, 2:07 am


    Loans for citizens up to 80% of the value of the housing unit in Basmaja

    [rtl]History of edits:: 1.31.2017 8:53 • 76 visits readable[/rtl]
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    {Baghdad: Euphrates News} Rafidain Bank announced the development of new legal controls to lend to citizens who wish to buy apartments in Basmajh residential complex.
    Information Office of the Bank said in a statement, the agency {Euphrates News} received a copy of it today, " The meeting was held by the Rafidain and Rasheed Iraqi Trade Bank , as well as representatives of the National Investment Commission and the Central Bank of Iraq to discuss the conditions, procedures and instructions in this regard." 
    He noted that " the meeting came out with recommendations and controls legal , including the loan amount , which identified 80% of the residential unit value and no more than 75 million Iraqi dinars after the payment of the first installment amounting to 10% of the value of the apartment and the duration of 15 years and an interest rate of 6% per annum , " .anthy

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     Loans for citizens up to 80% of the value of the housing unit in Basmaja Empty Rasheed puts new controls for the granting of loans to buy apartments complex Basmajh

    Post by Rocky Tue 31 Jan 2017, 2:18 am

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    Rasheed Bank
    Rasheed puts new controls for the granting of loans to buy apartments complex Basmajh

    Author: AT 
    Editor: AT 
    30.01.2017 19:55 
    Number of Views: 2432

    [rtl]Long-Presse / Baghdad[/rtl]
    It announced the Rasheed Bank management on Monday on the status of controls to lend to citizens who wish to buy apartments in the complex Basmajh residential, and pointed out that the loan amount identified by 80% of the residential unit value that no more than 75 million dinars, as pointed out that the repayment period divided 15 years and an annual interest rate of 6%.
    The Chairman of the Board of Directors and Director General of the Rafidain Bank, Rashad Khudair, in a statement, received a (long-Presse), a copy of which, "The meeting was held by the bank Rafidain and Rasheed Iraqi Trade Bank and a representative of the National Investment Commission and a representative of the Iraqi Central Bank to enact procedures and unify minimum requirements and instructions on the development of controls for lending to citizens who wish to buy apartments in Basmajh complex. "
    He explained Khudair, "The meeting resulted in the controls for the granting of such a loan, which defined by the amount (80%) of residential unit value and to exceed the 75 million Iraqi dinars after the payment of the first installment amounting to 10% of the value of the apartment and the duration of 15 years and an interest rate of (6%) per annum. "
    Khudair and pointed out that "the loan is repaid, with interest at the price equivalent to the dollar (1210) dinars a straight line," stressing that "controls would be announced in detail on the website if ratified by the Ministry of Finance."

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     Loans for citizens up to 80% of the value of the housing unit in Basmaja Empty Development of new controls for loans to buy apartments Basmajh

    Post by Rocky Tue 31 Jan 2017, 3:27 am


    Development of new controls for loans to buy apartments Basmajh

    [ltr][rtl]History[/rtl] of [rtl]edits:: 2017/1/31 8:59 • 117 visits readable[/rtl][/ltr]
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    [Where - Baghdad] 
    Rafidain Bank announced the development of new legal controls to lend to citizens who wish to buy apartments in the residential complex Basmajh south of the capital Baghdad.

    Press office of the bank said in a statement received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of "The meeting was held by the Rafidain and Rasheed Iraqi Trade Bank, as well as representatives of national the Authority for Investment and the Central Bank of Iraq to discuss the conditions, procedures and instructions in this regard." 
    "The meeting came out with recommendations and controls legal, including the loan amount, which identified 80% of the residential unit value and to exceed 75 million after the payment of the first installment amounting to 10% of the value of the apartment and the duration of 15 years and an interest rate of 6% per annum." 
    The cabinet had formed in 17 of this month, a committee headed by Minister of Construction and membership of a number of entities shall provide options for marketing Apartments new city Basmajh residential and administration services across posed as an investment project to ensure the safety of contracting procedures and ensure the rights of citizens with the use of international expertise in this area. " 
    South Korea expressed its readiness to contribute to the implementation of the road link between Basmajh complex and center of the capital in order to "encourage housing in this giant project."

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     Loans for citizens up to 80% of the value of the housing unit in Basmaja Empty Iraq sets a new legal controls to lend to citizens who wish to buy apartments

    Post by Rocky Tue 31 Jan 2017, 3:34 am

    Iraq sets a new legal controls to lend to citizens who wish to buy apartments

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    Rafidain Bank announced the development of new legal controls to lend to citizens who wish to buy apartments in the residential complex Basmajh south of the capital Baghdad. 

    The press office of the bank that ' the meeting was held by the Rafidain and Rasheed Iraqi Trade Bank , as well as representatives of the national body was to invest and the Central Bank of Iraq to discuss the conditions, procedures and instructions in this regard.' 

    He An'alajtmaa came out with recommendations and legal controls , including the loan amount , which identified 80% of the value of the housing unit and no more than 75 million dinars after the payment of the first installment amounting to 10% of the value of the apartment and the duration of 15 years and an interest rate of 6% per annum. ' 

    The cabinet had formed in 17 of this month , a committee headed by Minister of Construction and membership of a number of entities shall provide options for marketing Apartments new city Basmajh residential and administration services across posed as an investment project to ensure the safety of contracting procedures and ensure the rights of citizens with the use of international expertise in this area. ' 

    South Korea expressed its readiness to contribute to the implementation of the road link between Basmajh complex and center of the capital in order to 'encourage housing in this mega - project'.

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     Loans for citizens up to 80% of the value of the housing unit in Basmaja Empty Rafidain Bank puts new controls to lend wishing to purchase apartments from Basmajh

    Post by Rocky Tue 31 Jan 2017, 3:49 am

    Rafidain Bank puts new controls to lend wishing to purchase apartments from Basmajh[/size]
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     4 hours ago

    Twilight News / Rafidain Bank announced on Tuesday that a new legal controls to lend to citizens who wish to buy apartments in Basmajh residential complex southeast of the capital Baghdad.

    Press office of the bank said in a statement, said that a meeting was held by the Rafidain and Rasheed Iraqi Trade Bank, as well as representatives of the National Investment Commission and the Central Bank of Iraq to discuss the conditions, procedures and instructions in this regard.

    The statement said that the meeting came out with recommendations and controls legal, including the loan, which defined by the amount (80%) of the dwelling unit value of not more than 75 million Iraqi dinars after the payment of the first installment amounting to 10% of the value of the apartment and the duration of 15 years and an interest rate of ( 6%) per annum. 

    The Iraqi government has been formed in the 17 of this month, "a committee headed by Minister of Construction and membership of a number of entities shall provide options for marketing the new City Apartments Basmajh residential and administration services across posed as an investment project to ensure the safety of contracting procedures and ensure the rights of citizens with the use of international expertise in this area." .

    The Basmajh residential project, located about 30 km southeast of Baghdad, and it is hoped that boasts a hundred thousand units.


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     Loans for citizens up to 80% of the value of the housing unit in Basmaja Empty Mesopotamian Bank announces new controls to lend to wanting to buy apartments in the residential com

    Post by Rocky Tue 31 Jan 2017, 5:44 am

    [ltr]Mesopotamian Bank announces new controls to lend to wanting to buy apartments in the residential complex Basmajh[/ltr]

    [ltr][You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    BAGHDAD - Iraq Press - January 31: He said the Information Office of the Rafidain Bank, in a statement on Tuesday received / Iraq Press / copy of it, that "a meeting of the Rafidain and Rasheed Bank and the Iraqi Trade Bank, as well as representatives of the National Investment Commission and the Central Bank of Iraq to discuss conditions and procedures and instructions for new legal controls to lend to citizens who wish to buy apartments in Basmajh residential complex southeast of the capital Baghdad. "

    Carter said "the two communities came out with recommendations and controls legal, including the loan, which defined by the amount (80%) of the dwelling unit value of not more than 75 million Iraqi dinars after the payment of the first installment amounting to 10% of the value of the apartment and the duration of 15 years and an interest rate of ( 6%) per annum, "pointing out that" the Iraqi government had been formed in the 17 of this month, a committee headed by Minister of Construction and membership of a number of entities shall provide options for commercialization city Apartments residential Basmajh new management services across posed as an investment project to ensure the safety of contracting procedures and ensure the rights of citizens with the use of international expertise in this area. " A ended. C

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     Loans for citizens up to 80% of the value of the housing unit in Basmaja Empty Re: Loans for citizens up to 80% of the value of the housing unit in Basmaja

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