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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    At a seminar of the Institute for the progress of the development policies

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    At a seminar of the Institute for the progress of the development policies  Empty At a seminar of the Institute for the progress of the development policies

    Post by Rocky Mon 06 Feb 2017, 4:11 am

    At a seminar of the Institute for the progress of the development policies 

    BAGHDAD / Shokran Fatlawi

    It carried an economic seminar organized by the progress of policy development institute imbalances in the economic situation in general and the imbalance in trade policy, in particular to the continuation of trade is directed not to put the Platform Import Alert specifically mention the lack of coordination between state agencies as well as the lack of harmony in the tax and customs and industrial development contexts.
    Almhad d manager. Mehdi al - Hafez began the seminar which was attended by the »morning» said a word during that monetary policy is a vital issue in the economic life are a reflection of the overall performance of the state and the extent of seriousness in avoiding difficulties and dilemmas emerging inconsistent and make it with the set targets. Monetary policy challenges and added Hafiz in the seminar tagged » the challenges of monetary policy» that the main task is to maintain the independence of the central bank and enable it to perform its task without interference and to make it effective and guarantor institution to the interests of society, as well as the biggest challenge facing the central, money laundering and attempted terror financing pointing to the need to ensure the safety of operations and cash install the principles and rules dealing project in an atmosphere of control and supervision. Control the money supply the central bank governor d. On the Keywords talked about one of the tasks that the central carried out by a management of monetary policy, pointing out that they are not only important, but one of the functions aimed at controlling inflation and stabilizing the economy for the balance of the balance of payments and monetary stability in general. And the Governor of the Central Bank of the challenges facing monetary policy «control the money supply» to the nature of the Iraqi economy being economical Rieia par excellence where the form of oil revenues for about 95 percent of the state budget revenues , noting that the problem lies in the rentier economy followed a yield of conduct for Ainsjm with investment trends to expand the productive base, diversification and development sectors and push for stimulus infrastructure to promote economic growth. Dispel the wealth  He said the economy and the behavior rentier reflected operations dissipation of wealth and consumption expenditures offset by lack of flexibility in the domestic productive apparatus and the trend to consumption and demand for Aahakq targets add to the economy is stimulated and nurturing, but also makes the productive base is very limited can not respond to consumer demand for it increases import operations , meaning that the reality of the situation at the present time oil resources mostly go to consumption , so the central «Ptnqad foreign currency» he noted that spending growth next consumer is often accounting for 70 percent of the state budget expenses and up to 30 percent of capital expenditures over the past years from 2004 to 2015 it did not exceed 50 percent of the 30 percent actual expenses, so we can say that the rate of actual consumer spending , the operating budget of ongoing implemented by more than 95 percent, and when adding this percentage is completed in investment expenditure, mean that consumer spending is the biggest much more than 70 percent and up to 80 percent and more. Among Keywords When you link Thread money supply subject of discussion led to an increase in the money supply accordingly from 32 Trliuna in 2004 to 88 Trliuna in 2019 , a senior in front of the monetary policy challenge in the face of a major expansion of the money supply and on the Central Bank in the face of inflationary waves this is caused by consumer spending growing at high rates. He Keywords that the central financial institution dealing with licensing, control and supervision of the financial institutions that Ar_khasha Central Bank being one of the tasks that greatly expanded as a result of the complexity of financial operations and the risks related to these operations, especially in the framework of the financial problems, money laundering and the financing of  terrorism. The central promise of the institution on the Status controls Institutions Banking and non - banking financial and other tasks related to the interest to study and dissemination of data and statistics and various economic Altenbuat. He noted Keywords return to the central task of the talk that the monetary policy with respect to employment , which is concentrated in some oil -producing countries, including Iraq pressure on the money supply to prevent inflation and achieve monetary and economic stability, pointing out that this function is central to can not be performed independently and absolute but is a function of constrained challenges and restrictions  realistic. He noted that most of the world 's central banks moving toward getting more autonomy in their work , but this independence remains constrained degrees varying from state to state depending on the nature of the political, economic and financial structure of the system 's financial and solidarity of the country and even the public culture and the relevant authorities in this matter from the government and parliament and the financial sector The bank but generally towards the full use to stimulate the economy and achieve overall balance is heading.[/rtl]

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277148
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    At a seminar of the Institute for the progress of the development policies  Empty Keywords: the central task of achieving monetary and economic stability

    Post by Rocky Mon 06 Feb 2017, 4:12 am

    Keywords: the central task of achieving monetary and economic stability

    Economy News / Baghdad ...

    The governor of the Iraqi Central Bank on the Keywords, that the main task is to maintain the independence of the central bank and enable it to perform its task without interference and to make it effective and guarantor institution to the interests of society, as well as the biggest challenge facing the central, money laundering and attempts to finance terrorism.
    Speaking Keywords, for one of the tasks that the central carried out by a management of monetary policy, pointing out that they are not only important, but one of the functions aimed at controlling inflation and stabilizing the economy for the balance of the balance of payments and monetary stability in general.
    Among conservative challenges facing monetary policy (controlling the money supply) to the nature of the Iraqi economy being economical Rieia par excellence where the form of oil revenues for about 95 percent of the state budget revenues, noting that the problem lies in the rentier economy followed a yield of conduct for Ainsjm with investment trends to broaden the base productivity, diversification and development sectors and push for stimulus infrastructure to promote economic growth. 
    He said the economy and the behavior rentier reflected operations dissipation of wealth and consumption expenditures offset by lack of flexibility in the domestic productive apparatus and the trend to consumption and demand for Aahakq targets add to the economy is stimulated and nurturing, but also makes the productive base is very limited can not respond to consumer demand for it increases import operations, meaning the reality of the situation at the present time, most of the oil resources go into consumption so the central (Ptnqad foreign currency.
    He noted that spending growth next consumer is often accounting for 70 percent of the state budget expenses and up to 30 percent of capital expenditures over the past years from 2004 to 2015 did not exceed 50 percent of the 30 percent actual expenses, so we can say that the rate of spending the actual consumer current operating budget implemented by more than 95 percent, and when adding this percentage is completed in investment expenditure, mean that consumer spending is far greater than 70 percent and up to 80 percent and more.
    Among the Keywords, when linking Thread money supply subject of discussion led to the increase in the money supply accordingly from 32 Trliuna in 2004 to 88 Trliuna in 2019, a senior in front of the monetary policy challenge in the face of a major expansion of the money supply and on the Central Bank in the face of waves inflationary resulting from this consumer spending growing at high rates.
    He Keywords that the central financial institution dealing with licensing, control and supervision of the financial institutions that Ar_khasha Central Bank being one of the tasks that greatly expanded as a result of the complexity of financial operations and the risks related to these operations, especially in the framework of the financial problems, money laundering and terrorism financing, the central promise of the institution on the Status of controls banking institutions and non-banking financial and other tasks related to the interest in study and dissemination of data and statistics and various economic Altenbuat.
    He noted Keywords return to the central task of the talk that the monetary policy with respect to employment, which is concentrated in some oil-producing countries, including Iraq pressure on the money supply to prevent inflation and achieve monetary and economic stability, pointing out that this function is central to can not be performed independently and absolute but is a function of constrained challenges and restrictions realistic. 
    He noted that most of the world's central banks moving toward getting more autonomy in their work, but this independence remains constrained degrees varying from state to state depending on the nature of the political, economic and financial structure of the system's financial and solidarity of the country and even the public culture and the relevant authorities in this matter from the government and parliament and the financial sector The bank but generally towards the full use to stimulate the economy and achieve overall balance is heading.

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