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    Legal Committee: a political agreement on the integration of the elections and made early in 2018

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    Legal Committee: a political agreement on the integration of the elections and made early in 2018 Empty Legal Committee: a political agreement on the integration of the elections and made early in 2018

    Post by Rocky Tue 07 Feb 2017, 1:22 am

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    Legal Committee: a political agreement on the integration of the elections and made early in 2018

     Baghdad / Mohammad Sabah 

    Led political negotiations, nearly two months continues, to reach an agreement to merge the provincial elections and parliamentary elections, to be set up in April 2018. The 
    consultations were held in the house of parliament speaker attributed the reasons for the postponement to the costs of conducting ballots shall be taken within a few months, in addition to the fear of decline Iqbal citizen on elections. 
    The House of Representatives plans to offer to a vote. If enacted, the government will adhere to the new time. 
    The Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi had announced in mid - January, that " the Council of Ministers decided at its regular meeting held today, identifying the sixteenth of the month of September of this year as the date for a special election in the provincial assemblies across the country." 
    But the political blocs criticized the appointment of local elections, pointing to the many obstacles facing the government commitment deadline, including the presence of 4 million displaced people, in addition to the unresolved fate of the current commission, coupled with a motionless in parliament to amend the legal commission and elections. 
    In this context, the electoral commission confirmed the existence of significant barriers to abide by the date of local elections, it is to delay the funds demanded by the exchange. 
    The MP said Zana Saeed, a member of the legal committee in Parliament, said that " the political blocs recently agreed to merge the provincial elections with parliamentary elections scheduled for the 20th of April 2018, for a rapprochement between ballots, which may cause fatigue citizen, and cost the state additional funds for each event electoral". 
    And on the background to this agreement undisclosed until now, MP Said explained (range) yesterday that "strong and serious talks began two months between the heads of parliamentary blocs before, at the home of House Speaker Salim al - Jubouri, led to the agreement on the integration of the election year and made next. " 
    And on the determination of the prime minister as the date for local elections, member of the Legal Committee confirms that " the postponement of the elections or merging of the terms of reference of the House of Representatives and not the prerogative of the government." 
    He said Kurdish lawmaker that " the Constitution and the law gives the government the right to postpone the elections in the province or provinces , and within a specified period as a result of certain conditions, while the parliament has the right to postpone the elections for all the provinces of Iraq provided there is opposed prevents the establishment of elections on schedule." 
    Confirms MP Zana Said that " the parliament will approve the integration of local elections with the parliamentary over the next few sessions." 
    However, the Electoral Commission PUSHES preparing for provincial elections in the deadline set by the Prime Minister. 
    He said Wael al - Waeli, head of the electoral administration, for (long) yesterday, said that "preparations are underway by the Electoral Commission to receive the electoral event next September and completed on time." 
    But Waeli However , to say that " the delay in the disbursement of funds by the government and the lack of legislation to the election law by the House of Representatives Commission Sieiqan preparations." 
    Chairman of the electoral administration and explained that " the Commission demanded that the government provide $ 619 billion dinars to cover both practices local and parliamentary election campaigns , " pointing out that " the government did not pay these amounts until this moment." 
    He Waeli " The Commission needs to 400 billion dinars to cover the provincial councils scheduled for September next election." The official said the Commission was "addressed the Ministry of Finance for the launch of the cumulative amounts of their budgets in previous years , which returned to the state treasury, which is estimated at 250 billion dinars , " noting that "the Ministry of Finance has agreed to our request, but we do not receive any notice by the State - owned banks to transfer these amounts. " 
    Waeli stresses that "in the event of failing to secure these amounts, in the 20th of this month with the delayed legislation to the election law, it will be for the Office of the word of another", adding that " the Commission need time up to five months before any electoral process to complete the logistics procedures." 
    In addition, an official in the election commission that confirms the "circle of Parties Affairs awarded a constituent certificates for the four parties of the total 228 party , " pointing out that " the party law firm and strict measures , especially for securing the signatures of 2,000 members for each party, that they are not covered procedures accountability, and crimes against the honor, and also require the provision of internal financial systems and balances in banks and banks as a condition for registration of parties. " 
    He continues Waeli his speech (range) that "there are instructions issued by the Commission to impose registration of the party five months before entering into any electoral process , " noting that "after the adoption of the electoral law the Commission will issue new instructions describes the process of entry and participation of political parties and entities as well as individuals in the upcoming elections." 
    It notes the official in the election commission that " the participation of independent candidates in the elections, who do not have a partisan organization, depending on the election law , which Sicherah the House of Representatives , " stressing "no Commission intervention in this matter, it depends on what is agreed upon in the parliament."
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