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    Deputy for Law: America seeks to establish military bases and presence in Iraq again

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Deputy for Law: America seeks to establish military bases and presence in Iraq again Empty Deputy for Law: America seeks to establish military bases and presence in Iraq again

    Post by Rocky Thu 09 Feb 2017, 3:06 am

    [size=30]Deputy for Law: America seeks to establish military bases and presence in Iraq again[/size]
    09/02/2017 11:31 | Number of Views: 238
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    Direction Press / special
    MP said the coalition of state law, Ali Shareef al-Maliki that the United States and the current government is seeking to establish military bases and presence in Iraq once again after failing the previous government of Obama.
    Maliki, in an interview for "direction," said that after the former Iraqi government succeeded and the efforts of the Iraqi negotiator of the expulsion of US troops from the country's administration is seeking is American officials to compensate for this failure and not being able to stay in Iraq, noting that the United States feel that it has gone out losing a day intending establish military bases in her country.
    He added that among the US charts is to have a role in Iraq's future, especially in the post-Daesh and trying to divide the country into regions, "a Sunni and a Shiite and a Kurd," in addition to the support of political parties from the likes of "Ethel Nujaifi" to have a role in Sunni circles that stained with the blood of the innocent and accused of betraying the country, "as he put it," adding that the US is seeking through the presence in Iraq to put pressure on the Syrian government and its allies in the region.
    It is said that Iraq was able to expel US forces occupied Iraq in 2003 and it blows by factions of the Islamic Resistance and became evacuate those troops on 31/12/2011 where the last US troops withdrew from the country's national day.

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