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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Presidency finish writing the draft election law

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Presidency finish writing the draft election law Empty Presidency finish writing the draft election law

    Post by Rocky Sun Feb 12, 2017 3:48 am

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    Presidency finish writing the draft election law

     Baghdad / term 

    Called on President Fuad Masum, on Saturday, the demonstrators to give priority to calm and law - abiding and self - restraint and not to prejudice any of the staff and property of the Independent Electoral Commission officials and urged security authorities to urgently investigate the incident and hold negligent. 
    The infallible, in a statement received (range) a copy of it yesterday, " We call on all our people , particularly the demonstrators were to prevail calm and law - abiding and self - restraint and not to prejudice any of the staff and property of the UN High Commissioner for independent election officials , " calling on security authorities to "urgently investigating the incident and hold negligent, and we call on the legislature to take the demands of the demonstrators with great interest. " 
    He revealed " the end of the presidency of the drafting of a new election law, and is discussed with leading parliamentary blocs, and hopefully be approved by the House of Representatives soon after his studies." 
    The new infallible support for "any measures and legislation to promote the democratic system and ensure professionalism and integrity and transparency of the electoral process and the advancement and full commitment to the principles of the Constitution", calling for " the need to adhere to the principles of democratic dialogue and the preservation of constitutional life and defeat terrorism and the situation of Iraqi interests of all above any other interests." 
    We infallible, "We hope and are confident that everyone takes into account all of that and strive together for a serious and persistent work on self - control and providing the right atmosphere for a peaceful work of democratic and constitutional moving forward the development of the democratic system and protects the unity and sovereignty of Iraq."

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