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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    They talk about the "sovereignty" .. infallible: Soleimani, a military adviser to the government and

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    They talk about the "sovereignty" .. infallible: Soleimani, a military adviser to the government and Empty They talk about the "sovereignty" .. infallible: Soleimani, a military adviser to the government and

    Post by Rocky Sun 12 Feb 2017, 3:16 am

    [ltr]They talk about the "sovereignty" .. infallible: Soleimani, a military adviser to the government and political positions belonging to the Iranian positions !![/ltr]

    [ltr]February 12, 2017 - 12:08[/ltr]


    Baghdad / Iraq News Network stressed the President, Fuad Masum, said on Sunday that the presence of Iranian advisers brass in Iraq is illegal for anyone not entitled to challenge it, considering Maj . Gen. Qassem Soleimani "military adviser" of the government and a "friend" of the politicians pointed Alaracaan.fima that Iraq, despite the ethnic diversity in which the Arabs and the Kurds really more than others in the country 's administration, however , he explained that this condition of marginalization of Iraqi factions Alakhary.oukal infallible, in an interview with the agency , "Tasnim" Eranahaleom: " the Iranian people is the people of a friend and brother , and we have many participants with our brothers in the Islamic Republic, as we have a common culture and borders stretching hundreds of kilometers, "adding that" no one can claim that the presence of brass advisers Iranians in Iraq is illegal and no one has the right to object to it , and Maj . Gen. Qassim Soleimani , a friend of politicians Iraqis " and on the last, infallible pointed out that" the number of residents has increased significantly during the past years , so that some statistics indicate that there are 38 million people, and citizens are descended from several nationalities have embodied the fruits of ethnic these assets in the general election , where initiates all the people to elect their representatives . "He added," this national political agreement does not mean the desecration of other nationalities rights, we do not Nrom marginalize any nationality were from the political scene, but according to population statistics , there Qomettan are the majority and by the number of electoral votes is for them more than others the right to set the government staff in the country " , stressing that" there is no party in Iraq has the ability to get on the electoral majority vote and then take the initiative to establish a ministerial staff without interference from other parties, the fact that every political party and the tide is in need of other political parties and movements . " , calling for " the need to establish a government that includes the majority of the political parties and currents in the Iraqi arena, as it must be the presence of opposition in the outside of the structure of the government to the advancement of the democratic system . " he pointed infallible that he "may have offered some of the political differences between the various parties and movements on the scene Iraqi, but despite all this , it is necessary to preserve Iraq 's independence and territorial integrity , whatever the circumstances , "adding that" Iraq has developed a constitution, even if it is applied in all its details will diminish our problems to the lowest levels, but of course you can not root out the political problems from the root fully whatever the situation ".onnbh that" one of the paragraphs of the Constitution of research and debate between the various political currents and every category interpreted according to its interests and desires may be subject, so we need a mechanism to ensure the development of interpretation and one harmonious away from political wrangling put, "he said . " federal Court has the final say on this level . "He stressed President infallible, that Iraq" needs to adopt a comprehensive program for the post - Daesh terrorist to be able to maintain the security of our country against the various anticipated accidents , "adding , " but there is a reality that can not be denied is the Daesh that will not fade away completely once a military defeat, but that the idea of excommunicating obnoxious innermost at the thought of atonement and terrorism , which will remain in Iraq after a military defeat. "

    And on Iraq 's relationship with the Arab League, Masum said, "Some of views between Iraq and the Arab League is not on a single format, but Iraq is one of the most important members of this regional organization, so we want survival, but it is necessary to reconsider the charter for being suffer from the heated disagreements among its members at the moment and can not find the bonds strong among Arab countries , ".ozkr that" although there are differences between us and some of the member countries of the Arab League and with a weakness in the relationship, but that does not mean meager ties with other members, We want to establish close relations with all Arab countries members of this regional organization and including Jordan and some Gulf countries and we will work to establish good relations with Saudi Arabia also because it is an important country in the Arab League. "

    And on the popular crowd he explained infallible, that the "popular crowd played a key role in defending the land of Iraq and made a lot of sacrifices in this regard, many of its members were killed or wounded some of them wounded maimed for life by those valiant efforts to defend the homeland and fighting factions and terrorist on her head organize Daesh, so it is necessary to preserve the rights of this important component of the Iraqi society and not squandered ".ooma post - regulation Daesh, the president revealed that" there are many proposals put forward by various political and military components in Iraq, but even now not refine clearly and completely, there are those who call for the generic crowd forces , military forces are, and there are those who suggest the integration of its members young people in various formations of military forces and to bring the elderly and young people who are not being prepared to engage in military forces because of physical impairments to retire. "

    And on the Turkish presence in northern Iraq , Masum said that "since the entry of Turkish troops in Iraqi territory we announced our displeasure and issued a statement condemned the procedure as we expressed our rejection of him in our meetings with the various Turkish officials, has emphasized on that Turkish Prime Minister in his recent visit to Baghdad and told him that this procedure is a negation of the sovereignty of our country . "He added," We want to establish good relations with Ankara, and striving not to get in the future so the problems, be sure that what was done by the Turkish military forces is illegal and we will make efforts and exert political pressure in order to develop a solution to this crisis through diplomatic corps even force the Turks to leave our lands. "

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