BAGHDAD / News Network Iraq president of the National Alliance, said Ammar al - Hakim, said on Sunday that "we are heading to the Shiite majority" .ozkr a statement his office today: that al - Hakim said in the office of Baghdad elites and competencies youth to " a greater role for young people in the political sphere disproportionate community and let youth leaders to read the political reality and the parliamentary system based on political blocs and them if they want to influence the political and the audience to engage in the Shiite alliance of political entities ".ohdd al - Hakim, said Iraq will not be stable unless the implementation of the recommendation of Khamenei , the formation of a Shiite majority government. He warned of the danger of passive circular in dealing with the political class . "He pointed out that" there is the view that the political majority in the sense of owning more than half the majority of the remainder opposition while heading to the Shiite majority in the sense the presence of centers of gravity in the Iraqi factions for the government to be reassuring for all ". the al - Hakim said in a celebratory anniversary of the Iranian revolution , which was held in his office on 10th of this month we are " in the footsteps of Khomeini and adhere Bmenhjh, Iraq and Iran Jsdan in one spirit."