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    Russian planes bombed the city of Daraa after the gains of the Syrian opposition

    Admin Assist
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    Russian planes bombed the city of Daraa after the gains of the Syrian opposition Empty Russian planes bombed the city of Daraa after the gains of the Syrian opposition

    Post by Rocky Wed 15 Feb 2017, 3:44 am

    Russian planes bombed the city of Daraa after the gains of the Syrian opposition
    Russian planes bombed the city of Daraa after the gains of the Syrian opposition %D9%85%D8%AF%D9%8A%D9%86%D8%A9-%D8%AF%D8%B1%D8%B9%D8%A7-350x211
    Fighters from the opposition and witnesses said Russian planes bombed areas controlled by the opposition in the Syrian city of Daraa on Tuesday for the second day in the first intensive bombing campaign of its kind since Russia intervened in Syria over a year ago.
    And it stormed the factions of the armed opposition on Sunday Mansheya neighborhood heavily fortified in the Battle called it "Death and humiliating" and said the goal of the campaign thwart any attempt by the army to take control of a strategic border crossing with Jordan.
    The army control over the crossing is under opposition and tracts of land in the southern sector of the city that separates the areas controlled by the opposition in the east and west of the city.
    He said the Syrian army on Tuesday that "terrorists" had failed to make gains if their troops inflicted heavy losses.
    The state media that the armed opposition rained civilian areas in Daraa in the south of the country with mortar bombs which destroyed many homes.
    The opposition fighters belonging to the Free Syrian Army factions as well as members of the body edit Sham, an Islamist group, the newly formed and led faction was a follower of al Qaeda in the past.
    A source said the opposition that at least 30 Russian raid Tuesday in preventing the opposition from achieving further gains in the highly fortified enclave after it took control of large parts of the neighborhood.
    Said Ibrahim Abdullah, a senior leader in the armed opposition, "when the regime began to lose control over some areas ... Russian aircraft began operations."
    The fighting also spread to other areas in the city where he was opposed mortars at government-controlled parts. Residents said the army fired missiles SS on areas controlled by the opposition in the city.
    The battles in the shield are the most since the start of the main opposition alliance called "southern front" failed military campaign to control it fully in 2015.
    The province has not seen adjacent to both Israel and Jordan, the same devastation caused by Russian air strikes in northern Syria after Russia stepped up its military intervention in Syria in 2015.
    And the failure of the Syrian army so far to regain control of the border crossing, despite repeated attempts to do so.
    One resident said the safety and called "not a day goes by only the system and trying to progress."
    The Islamists took control of the Free Syrian Army at least half of the southern province, but an al Islamic state groups have a presence in the area to the west of the city of Deraa in the valley of the Yarmouk area near the Golan Heights.
    Relief workers said that the aircraft hit a field hospital in Daraa gets a Western financing and that strikes killed at least seven members of one family in the border region, where many residents fled in the early days of the Syrian conflict.
    She said the International Rescue Committee based in Washington, which supports the hospital said in a statement that four of the paramedics were injured in the attack.

      Current date/time is Wed 18 Sep 2024, 4:18 am