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    Turkish army announces near complete control over the Syrian door

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277581
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Turkish army announces near complete control over the Syrian door Empty Turkish army announces near complete control over the Syrian door

    Post by Rocky Fri 17 Feb 2017, 4:04 am

    Turkish army announces near complete control over the Syrian door
    [size=11]Posted: 17/2/2017 | Are GMT 09:57 |world News[/size]
    Turkish army announces near complete control over the Syrian door 58a6c707c4618840698b458d
    Reuters Khalil Ashawi

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    The Turkish military said Friday February 17 from near completion wrest control of the city in northern Syria door of organizing Daesh process.

    The army pointed out that the hardcore resistance in the city dropped significantly.
    The shield Euphrates process forces have recently been able to achieve significant progress in the battle to liberate the door from the grip of the "Daesh" seed of terrorism at a global level, and simplified control over a number of sites in the western outskirts of the city, located to the east of Mount Hermon Aqil, including "building Party ", which was the seat of the branch of the Baath party in the city.
    Turkey and northern Syria began operation in August / August in support of the armed opposition there in an attempt to expel the organization Daesh of land adjacent to its borders and prevent Kurdish fighters from controlling more territory.
    Source: agencies 
    Natalia Abdullah

      Current date/time is Mon 16 Sep 2024, 6:37 am