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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Adjutant General announces the launch editor Ayman Mosul operations

    Admin Assist
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    Adjutant General announces the launch editor Ayman Mosul operations Empty Adjutant General announces the launch editor Ayman Mosul operations

    Post by Rocky Sun 19 Feb 2017, 3:02 am

    Adjutant General announces the launch editor Ayman Mosul operations

    Last updated: February 19, 2017 - 11:05
    Baghdad / Iraq News Network announced that Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, on Sunday, February 19, 2017, the start of the restoration of the right side of the city of Mosul from the grip of the "Islamic state" Daesh process. Ebadi said in a speech today: "Our mission is the main human editor before editing the ground," .okhatab Abadi military units, saying: "Abehrtm world Bbtoulatkm and Pantsaratkm and cohesion big with the citizens." The al-Abadi said on Saturday, in a speech during the second day of the Conference Munich security: "in these moments where I stand among you, Iraq is approaching many of the full restoration of its territory and expel gang Daesh last inch of it under their control. We are fighting now to clean up the remaining of the city of Mosul, which is less than half the area of ​​the city .. and after a year of victories successive we will achieve the goal will not be to Daesh place in Iraq, as we promised and promised our people. "He continued that" the liberation of Mosul, the process we're in now is a clean war sought by which to rescue the man before releasing the ground, although the fighting was tough and house to house, but our keen on the safety of the homes of citizens and infrastructure and government installations "is noteworthy that the Iraqi Prime Minister announced on 24/01/2017, edit the left coast of the city of Mosul from the control of the entire Daesh and raising the Iraqi flag over the buildings.

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