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    Iraq outside the classification of Index of Economic Freedom

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iraq outside the classification of Index of Economic Freedom Empty Iraq outside the classification of Index of Economic Freedom

    Post by Rocky Sun 19 Feb 2017, 8:00 am

    Iraq outside the classification of Index of Economic Freedom

    Last updated: February 19, 2017 - 12:29
    BAGHDAD / News Network Iraq showed the statistics of the American "Heritage Foundation" Institute, out of Iraq and four other Arab countries of the International Classification Index of Economic Freedom for 2017, while the elevated UAE , which has maintained its first Arab to be the eighth global state in Altzlsl.oovadt published statistics email Institute site that five Arab countries are Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen came out of the rankings within the five countries included also Echtnstein.oohart Alajsaouat posted on the Virtual Institute site to the UAE surged 17 arranged at one of the index, while Qatar came in second Arab world and 29th largest in the world .uahtlt Bahrain ranked third Arab, and 44 globally, then Jordan ranked fourth Arab world and 53 worldwide, and Kuwait in the fifth Arab and 61 largest in the world, the sixth Arab world and 64 worldwide, according to the Saudi Alahsaouat.ouhazat the Sultanate of Oman on the seventh among Arab countries and 82 worldwide, followed by Morocco ranked 86 globally, then Tunisia 123 globally, Lebanon 137, Egypt was ranked 144 globally, with assumed Sudan ranked 164 Algeria 172 Aalemya.oovq American Institute statistics, Hong Kong ranked first globally in the index of economic freedom for the current year, followed by Singapore, New Zealand , Switzerland and Australia, respectively.

    What the United Kingdom ranked 12, Luxembourg 14, United States 17, Germany 26.oatkon index published by the Heritage Fawndah Institute (based in Washington) from four major benchmarks, including other sub - standards, and these standards are the rule of law, and standards of respect for property rights own, and freedom from Alvesad.oma second measure is the financial freedom, and consists of financial freedom of a country, the size of spending Aovernma.fima means third organizational efficiency, and is divided into the freedom of doing business, and freedom of action, freedom Alnkadih.binma IV, it contains the openness of markets and is divided into freedom trade, investment freedom, and freedom of activity Altamoal.oiatmd cursor on six levels, the first is "economically free" includes states from 1 to 5, the second is "free to a large extent" of the countries of the centers 6 to 35, and the third "freedom medium countries , " It includes centers from 36 to 90, and the fourth came under the name of "non - free to a large extent", brought together countries from the center 91 to 152.weidm fifth level "pent -up " centers from 153 to 178 and sixth countries outside the classification.

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