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    America is a new decision to ban travel

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    America is a new decision to ban travel Empty America is a new decision to ban travel

    Post by Rocky Sun 19 Feb 2017, 9:03 am

    America is a new decision to ban travel

    America is a new decision to ban travel Irq_181781757_1487491590

    Follow-up / ..., said John Kelly, Secretary of Homeland Security United States that a new version of a travel ban issued by the administration of President, Donald Trump, will include new conditions and controls.

    He noted Kelly told the Munich security conference, quoted by the Reuters news agency, that the new resolution will not prevent holders of green cards, which grant them the right of residence from entering or passengers who boarded planes already.

    It was Trump's decision to "protect the nation from terrorism," which prohibits the entry of the citizens of seven countries to the United States, it has stopped because of federal court rulings.

    Kelly said, "President (Trump) released version looking more compact and coherent of (resolution) I will have the opportunity to work on the implementation of the plan in particular to make sure there are no stranded people from abroad to our airports."

    When asked whether he would be allowed to holders of green cards Login accommodation Kelly said, "That's a good assumption Regarding the visa ... if being far away from the United States will be allowed to enter the state when they arrive."

    Kelly promised there was a "short introductory period to make sure that the passengers in the other countries covered by the ban will not board the aircraft but that Astgulwha and are on their way will be allowed to enter the country" .anthy 3

      Current date/time is Wed 15 Jan 2025, 5:56 pm