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    Commissioner resort for "electronic voting" to speed up the announcement of the results and prevent

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    Commissioner resort for "electronic voting" to speed up the announcement of the results and prevent  Empty Commissioner resort for "electronic voting" to speed up the announcement of the results and prevent

    Post by Rocky Mon 20 Feb 2017, 2:04 am

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    Commissioner resort for "electronic voting" to speed up the announcement of the results and prevent fraud

     BAGHDAD / Mohammad Sabah 

     polling and counting of votes and announcement of results will be easier and faster than the previous
    It revealed the Electoral Commission, yesterday, its intention to clone South Korea's experience in the management of elections, by contracting to buy 59 000 device in order to switch to "electronic voting" and speed up the counting of votes and the announcement of the results during the period and Gizh.ookdt Commission that it has cooperated with the United Nations to classify the 20 international companies submitted Battaadtha, and that the competition is going on between the six companies only. Certified company and will take advanced training of cadres from the Commission on the maintenance and operation of the electronic system, which is expected to come into effect next September.

    According to Commission officials, the electronic voting process that will reduce the time it takes for half the voting process, and the final results will be announced within two hours after the polls closed. 
    But the election watchdog organizations underestimated the importance of this project attributed it to the lack of infrastructure infrastructure for e - voting , noting voltage fluctuation and weak or non - existent Internet networks , especially in remote areas, and the spread of e - illiteracy. 
    The Electoral Commission is facing widespread criticism reached fairly demanding a change in the crew. He called on the leader of the Sadrist movement to three demonstrations in Baghdad to demand a change of the Electoral Commission. And it ended last demonstrations last weekend, to bloody clashes between demonstrators and security forces fell on the track nine people dead and dozens wounded. 
    He accused the Sadr movement and activists in the demonstrations Baghdad Operations forces to use live ammunition to disperse the demonstration, but the prime minister denied, during a news conference on Tuesday, the use of live ammunition. 
    The terms of the current Electoral Commission in the Council next September, coinciding with the deadline set by Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi for local elections. 
    The fate hinges on the resolution of the Board of Commissioners a date for provincial elections, as political parties suggest the extension of the current Commission in the event of a deal to hold provincial elections on time. 
    But the political and parliamentary limbs confirmed the difficulty of holding local elections on schedule, and revealed the semi - final agreement on a double election in April of 2018 
    and emphasizes the parliamentary committee of experts with the task of choosing a new Office of the Council, its need for seven months to sort the thousands expected to receive nominations. 
    But as long as directed political parties to charges of bias and fraud and manipulation of voting results to the Electoral Commission. 

    Electronic voting 
    say Wael al - Waeli, director of election administration in the election commission, told the (range) " The Commission is determined to enter Accelerator findings device in the next election , which will prevent the intervention of the human element in the sorting and transfer of results and counting , " stressing that "this device new It will enable us to announcement of the final results within just two hours after the closure of polling stations directly. " 
    The announcement of election results takes several weeks, as the Commission relies on manpower to conduct the count and the hand count processes. 
    And going through the process of counting in three phases, the first is revised checking all the ballot papers in the polling station, then transfer Snadeg centers to provincial offices, then be sent the results audited across Snadeg closed to the National Centre in the capital , Baghdad , to match the final figures. 
    This complex process and raises doubts and suspicion of the political blocs and observers of the course of the voting. 

    Polling mechanism 
    adds Waeli that " the polling and vote counting and announcement of the results will be easier and faster than the former in case of the introduction of this new device in the next electoral process , " stressing that " the device will resolve all the problems electronically." 
    But Allowaiala corrects saying " the adoption of this system does not mean that we will leave the ballot paper voter in force in previous electoral processes." 
    And explains the electoral administration official in the new mechanism for the voting process Commission, he said , "gives the voter the ballot paper after confirming his voting card and made his mark when he entered to the polling station, then cast his vote behind the customized cabin, this process to be followed by the introduction of electoral paper in the related ballot fund - mail system directly ". 
    He continues Waeli by saying that " the vote now depends on the voters and not on UNHCR staff by installing this device (Skinner) above the ballot box , which filmed a ballot paper prior to their admission to the fund and then the electronic device out a detailed report on the number of votes of each list or to the attention of an electoral entity representatives and commissioners entities and their supervising the election process. " 

    Technical and logistical support , 
    and on the technical obstacles that may face the electronic voting system, an official at the Commission , "these devices operate on electric power to the interim charging system for a period of not more than 12 hours without having to power , " he says. He stressed that "in the event of electrical power failure this device will work across the shipping , which is enough to cover the whole day, which is usually more than 10 hours." 
    Explains Wael al - Waeli that "companies that will cost us with this sophisticated equipment will train a team of the National Bureau who will be trained in turn , our staff in the provinces on the use of this device , " adding that " the training will include maintenance work and how to use software that is in the transfer of results and others." 
    And reveals the electoral administration director that " the number of devices that will be available on polling day will amount to 59,800 device and all of Iraq 's provinces , including Kurdistan, Nineveh and Kirkuk province , " pointing out that " the Commission and put in their accounts all Iraqi provinces without exception." 
    Confirms Waeli that " the devices will work for long periods will be the maintenance team continuously sustain her after the completion of the ballot process will be adopted in all the upcoming electoral processes , " he said , adding that "all the software and servers to be managed by the Commission and by the National Center, and income for these companies in This subject". 
    The financial crisis 
    and confirms the senior official in the election commission that "corporate mission to provide us with these devices will be in accordance with the technical things that we requested," he said speculative cost of this system will be deducted from the budget requested by the Commission, which is estimated at 410 billion dinars , ".oichir Waeli" there problematic about $ 150 billion dinars of retained UNHCR funds after the Finance Ministry filed an appeal on the amount to the Federal Court on the grounds that these funds were transfers were by the Ministry of oil and thus become one of the right and the Ministry of oil , ".otaatnavs six international companies to win this contract after receiving invitations Commission to submit proposals within a period not exceeding 23 days, which began from the end of last week. 

    speed up the announcement of the results 
    and says Gulshan Kamal Ali, a member of the electoral Commission's (range) that " the electoral Commission has taken steps to introduce Accelerator findings device in the upcoming elections for the announcement of the results through less than two hours without the intervention of a manual count or rely on UNHCR staff , "pointing out that things are being prepared and will be the entry of these devices in the next election." 
    Kamal, she adds , "My accelerator results will be erected in all the polling stations to be prepared all the votes included in the ballot box," and indicated Turkmen Commission member that " the number of voters in Iraq is estimated at 17 million voters, who happened electoral record according to their Albaaomitri system only 8 million will be the adoption of a voter card and footprint in the new accelerator device those who have not updated their records will be credited with their data in the 2014 elections. " 
    It adds a member of the Board of Commissioners in the election commission that " the manual counting system , which requires the intervention of UNHCR staff in which voter, needs more than two minutes to complete the whole voting process while the new device requires one minute because the voter is the process of the ballot without the intervention of polling staff." 

    UN consultation 
    emphasizes Gulshan Kamal " The idea of adopting electronic voting existed since the previous sessions but has not done and will come into force in the coming days through the best of our knowledge on the experiences of many of the world 's countries that adopt this system such as Portugal, Spain and South Korea." 
    Kamal and draws out that "there is cooperation between UNHCR with the United Nations and the advisory office at Baghdad University to review the biographies of 20 global companies The United Nations has nominated us earlier, were not including any Arab state." 
    She explained Turkmen commission member , said " the Commission that the Commission cost and in consultation with the United Nations Office consultant to the University of Baghdad , have agreed on the choice of six companies of the twentieth Company and directed her an invitation to present bids by 23 days." She pointed out that "these companies nationalities Spanish and South Korean and British and American." 
    Kamal predicted that enters the electronic device in the next elections in September , if implemented, but admits that " the problem lies in the lack of record voters discreet, giving the opportunity to the presence of fraud and breaches may accompany the electoral process." 
    Confirmed Gulshan Kamal said "Albaao metric system revealed to us about the presence of dead names in the voters ' records," but stressed that " the system Albaaomitri and accelerator results would limit the manipulation and fraud by activating the voter that contain" SIM card card "includes information on the voter and his own image as well as his mark , which would cut off the attempts of fraud and manipulation. " 

    Rigged elections 
    Commenting on the transformation that 's planned election commission at the polling method, Adil al - Lami, a former official of the Commission says, " The introduction of the machine will reduce the fraud , which was repeated in the previous ballot process by following the manual methods in the count." He noted that " the device accelerator results will be placed on the ballot box lid and work after the votes electronically." 
    He adds Lami, told the (range), said that "this device neglects ballots irregular and empty and the cursor over an entity it , " uncertain " The results will be ready as soon as the ballot does not need to be the heart of the ballot box as it was being previously when excreted The all ballots. " 
    He explains expert at the Electoral Affairs " The number of polling stations throughout Iraq up to nearly 50,000 spread over all of Iraq 's provinces station." 
    In the same context, Hawker Jettou, Prime Shams Network says to observe the elections, said that "linking the device directly (b Talli Center) will avoid a lot of manipulation and fraud , and we will get rid of counting and sorting operations that take place usually at the branch office." 
    He adds Jettou, in an interview with the (range), " The results of counting that were taking place at the stations are printed three ballots, the first stay in the governorate office, and the second to go to Tally Center at the High Commission in Baghdad, and the paper is the third comment in the electoral station." 
    The expert says that the Kurdish "paper that go to the Center following the often subject to fraud and manipulation of the facts and change processes and therefore we enter this electronic device in the upcoming elections Sntvady manipulation and fraud that hit all the electoral process." 

    Fears observers 
    refers Prime Shams Network that "there are significant problems should the Commission aware before entering this device to work , " stressing that " the device needs to electrical energy and Wi strong and effective to Ataatoagaf like that is happening in Iraq," asking , saying , "Are all the villages and rural areas where there is Internet access and electricity stream? ". 
    Attention Hooker Jettou that "Iraq where infrastructure work mail through the non - availability of electricity and the weakness or lack of online networks in many remote areas do not exist , let alone e - literacy in the possession of most Iraqis." He said that these constraints may hinder the work in this device on polling day. 
    It says that "there is another complex issue that includes the costs of these electronic devices that will be high and need to be imaginative and significant" amounts explaining that the recording Albaaomitri electronic process card all voter big cost we indispensable. " 

    Cost of the voting process 
    and says Jettou that" the cost of Iraqi voters who participate in any electoral process up to 23 dollars per person, "adding that" Nutritional Supplements printing devices and paper, inks and protections and all the logistical support provided by the electoral Commission on the day of the whole ballot Mahspobh. " 
    compares Jettou cost of voter Iraq , saying that" the cost of a voter in Australia up to $ 10, and in Jordan , for example , it will cost the voter to $ 6 , "attributing to the fact that" these countries rely on state employees to carry out the ballot opposite of what the Commission is doing through the assignment of new employees, and the establishment of training workshops and the purchase of supplies and equipment, flying out of the electoral process cost . " 
    the attention of Kurdish activist that" the idea of adopting accelerator device results came through one of the Commission members who saw the device in South Korea, so it will be adopted in the coming elections. " 
    and bridge Jettou saying that" the project has not been his experience has not been studied in the light of the challenges faced by Iraq , compared with South Korea , which has mastered all the inhabitants of modern technology. " 
    He continues , Chairman of Shams Network and wondered "how the Commission will be able to announce the results within two hours the fact that this case related to the subject of complaints and appeals will be many apparently if the Commission adopted its new?". Hooker Jettou and stresses that " the device needs to be tested in one of the provinces before being adopted in the next ballot."
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