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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Massive coronal hole still facing Earth expect major quakes in coming days


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    Massive coronal hole still facing Earth expect major quakes in coming days Empty Massive coronal hole still facing Earth expect major quakes in coming days

    Post by Lobo Thu 23 Feb 2017, 2:47 pm

    Wednesday, 22 February 2017

    Massive coronal hole still facing Earth expect major quakes in coming days as our Sun hurled a twisted plume of debris more than 250,000 km into space

    Massive coronal hole still facing Earth expect major quakes in coming days 16806800_1859798007596179_2475830880451484450_n
    Photo SDO reports SOLAR TORNADO OVER-ROTATES, EXPLODES: Yesterday, an explosion on the sun's eastern limb hurled a twisted plume of debris more than 250,000 km above the solar surface. NASA's orbiting Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the blast:

    Massive coronal hole still facing Earth expect major quakes in coming days Untitled
    An 8-hr movie recorded by extreme ultraviolet telescopes onboard the spacecraft shows what happened: A tornado of magnetized plasma became unstable when the twister twisted a bit too much. Magnetic fields crissed, crossed, and exploded in a process known as "magnetic re-connection." The flying debris will not hit our planet; the blast was too far off the sun-Earth line.
    Meanwile a massive coronal hole is still facing Earth meaning we could still expect more major quakes and volcanic activity in the coming days.

    Massive coronal hole still facing Earth expect major quakes in coming days Coronalhole_sdo_blank
    Solar wind flowing from the indicated coronal hole should reach Earth on Feb. 23-24. Credit: NASA/SDO.


    The Wire
    Posted by Gary Walton at 1:32 pm

      Current date/time is Tue 14 Jan 2025, 11:38 am