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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Tariq Harb: Jubeir visit opened a new page from Saudi Arabia to Iraq

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Tariq Harb: Jubeir visit opened a new page from Saudi Arabia to Iraq Empty Tariq Harb: Jubeir visit opened a new page from Saudi Arabia to Iraq

    Post by Rocky Sun Feb 26, 2017 4:36 am

    [size=30]Tariq Harb: Jubeir visit opened a new page from Saudi Arabia to Iraq[/size]
    26/02/2017 09:38 | Number of Views: 238
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    Direction Press / Baghdad
    Legal expert Tareq Harb said the visit by the Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir to Baghdad yesterday opened a new page from Saudi Arabia to Iraq.
    He said in a press release received "direction Press", a copy of "The arrival of Saudi Foreign Minister al-Jubeir to Baghdad without warning and without invitation and without receptions as Saudi minister overcome all the protocols that such visits Control, which is one of the provisions of international law suddenly as without an interview in Baghdad on this visit until the moment of arrival Jubeir to Baghdad to be there recently and even the Iraqi Foreign Ministry, it can be concluded that it heard about the visit after the publication in the media after the arrival of the Saudi minister to Baghdad and the best and most complete visits when they are no introductions, and this is what happened for this visit. " .
    Wondered war, "Is that the visit of the Saudi minister came upon US pressure to settle the Iraqi Saudi's in the face of Daesh? Is that the visit came at the settlement of regional developments in the region, which began with the election of Lebanese President Michel Aoun and moved to Syria, where he was abandoned principle ouster Syrian President as a condition for the settlement of the Syrian issue or that it was an attempted rapprochement between Iran and the Arab Gulf states including Saudi Arabia, where he began a private Gulf Iranian rapprochement after Kuwaiti mediation and Iranian-Saudi in particular? or that this visit came after the successes achieved by the Prime Minister Abadi expel Daesh of Iraqi provinces especially since the progress of Iraqi forces from the army and police and the crowd went to the right side of the city of Mosul more than what happened on the left side. "
    " The topic is also said to have economic implications for Saudi investments or on the basis that Iraq and Saudi Arabia , Arab countries or the reasons previously mentioned the whole behind Saudi Arabia visit to Baghdad, especially the reason which relates to the successes of the army, the police and the crowd right side of the city of Mosul , in particular the war so I found Saudi Arabia to open a new page in relations with Iraq became necessary after Iraq 's giant emergence therefore sent its foreign minister Jubeir raising the white flag in order to pass it to the Iraqi prime minister , and other than this to say , it is a political nonsense comes from fools and morons , especially since Iraq 's great interest in cooperation with All states and non - state anti -state if respected Iraqi independence and sovereignty and non - interference in Iraq 's affairs. " sa

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