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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Chaldean Association calls on its followers to donate for the reconstruction of the Nineveh Plain

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Chaldean Association calls on its followers to donate for the reconstruction of the Nineveh Plain Empty Chaldean Association calls on its followers to donate for the reconstruction of the Nineveh Plain

    Post by Rocky Mon 27 Feb 2017, 2:11 am

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    Chaldean Association calls on its followers to donate for the reconstruction of the Nineveh Plain

     Kirkuk / Marwan al-Ani 

    Called Chaldean Association in Iraq and the world, on Sunday, members of the community to donate to contribute to the reconstruction of the towns of the Nineveh Plain, and secure the return of the displaced, as demanded Patriarchate of the Chaldean with the help of international observers to monitor any abuses or irregularities in the Christian towns, stressed the need to preserve the principle of partnership with other components. 
    The head of the Chaldean Association in Iraq and the world Safa Indian morning "long", that " the Patriarchate , headed by Dr. Luis Rafael Sacco that, today called to walk forward in uniting the House Chaldean and organization, It is time to break the pattern of dependency and waiting for things ready, and to refrain from criticism blurry , "noting that" now required Chaldeans move hard to contribute to the reconstruction of the Chaldean towns in the Nineveh plain and development. " He said an Indian, " the Chaldean Church has begun renovating houses process before more than two weeks in Tel roof, which returned to 70 families, and it is hoped to return more families , especially after the return of water and electricity , health care and the return of the nuns will soon , " noting that " the process requires the Chaldean world lend a helping hand to their brothers in the complete restoration of their homes. " He called on Indian, every family to "provide a hundred dollars to enable, committees reconstruction Chaldean, to complete the restoration and the purchase of essential needs to allow the return of displaced families wishing to do so before the start of the next school year , " pointing out that " the Chaldeans always proactive in spreading to help the displaced at the beginning of each crisis". The head of the Chaldean Association in Iraq and the world to "claim Patriarchate presence of international observers, in our areas to monitor violations across the full coordination between the central government and the Kurdistan Regional Government, as well as to encourage Iraqi expatriates to invest in the field of agriculture and food industries and tourism , " calling to "unite and hold alliances and maintain a partnership with the other ingredients. " She stressed the Chaldean Association, " the importance of supporting the Association through engagement Mguetdran which people, who have cultural backgrounds, social and political, people with fixed principles and do not hold extreme careerism and self - interest projects , " noting that " the Association need financial support to be able to Chaldeans service and prepare for the next phase ( after Daesh). "

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