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    Parliamentarians and politicians crowding college students graduate

    Admin Assist
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    Parliamentarians and politicians crowding college students graduate Empty Parliamentarians and politicians crowding college students graduate

    Post by Rocky Wed 01 Mar 2017, 1:49 am

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    Parliamentarians and politicians crowding college students graduate

     Baghdad / Ali Ataiwki 

    It seems that some of the suffering of the graduate students on the way to detente, after the banning of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, all the officials from running for seats in the school in the whole country 's universities. Resolution Some promise to "Late equity", but important, while others demanded the ministry seriously implement the resolution to allow for different students according to scientific competition is not. 
    Said Mohammad Valley Master student at the Faculty of Education , Ibn Rushd at Baghdad University, (range), said that "most of the students were suffering from competition stage devoted to postgraduate few seats, and the hard - won and after the difficult exams are selected countless people from hundreds of students who came to the nomination "noting that" fill the seats by qualified students no harm nor reciprocating harm the institution but on the contrary it adds asset cognitively and future generation holds the secretariat. " 
    It continues the valley, that "most of the students Ansdmon the moment of the announcement of results when he captures a lot of the officials on the few seats for post graduate studies, in particular and you find a deputy or a minister or a member of the Provincial Council or any official competing for your class seat is shocked" and wondered "how it obtained the official seat which is not subject to a competitive exam or enter required courses such as computer and Altvuol (England) note that most of the contestants are engaged in all these tests together. " 
    My Valley, expressed "shock at the moment of the presence of one of the officials with him inside the hall note that I did not see him at all not in competitive examinations nor in the mentioned courses required of a student who purports to graduate study , " adding that "most of the students are afraid to talk on this side of the fact that it exposes them to the risk administrative or security. " 
    While confirmed doctoral student at the Faculty of Political Science Mesopotamia University Qusay fair, that "government failure was the result of sagging state that lacks official in the performance of his duties and obligations of institutions, as well as his travels and Aivadath", ruling out at the same time , " the official quest to get the certificate in order to show off knowledge as much as a social and financial in addition to his salary. " 
    And expresses just his joy over the (long) for " the decision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to prevent any official from the occupation of academic seats, for full - time students to gain knowledge and science account , " noting that "many of those responsible extorting teaching the class in order to get seats and the Supreme Results later, at the expense of the institution as a whole , "pointing out that" the ministry 's recent decision to Baqsaihm from running for postgraduate studies came late and that was fair. " 
    For his part , called for Hussein Abdul - Kadhim , a PhD student in the Faculty of Engineering and Technological University, "all those responsible to the educational institution to work again on the rehabilitation and restructuring and expel all accomplices with the system of political corruption in the country , " asserting that " a lot of sensitive sites in the Iraqi universities occupied Tsbon academics, they Pfsh way for their comrades and their colleagues in the influential parties to acquire school seats for students who do not account helpless only scientific grades. " And it announced that the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, controls presentation for postgraduate studies in universities for the academic year 2018/2017, while you select the second of the month of May next date for Tkadim.oukal official spokesman for the Ministry of Haider slave, in a statement, said that "controls presentation identified allowed to Apply rates so At least the rate of the developed to study the master or the equivalent of 65% , while the least advanced rate for doctoral studies 70. " % Said slave, that " the introduction of Higher Studies in all electronic universities and starts on the second of May 2017 and ends on the fourth of June of the same year , " noting that " the competitive examination in the 22 June date in 2017, while export orders university acceptance no later than 13 July 2017 " . he explained slave, that" the right to graduates of private universities recognized, the introduction of Higher Studies , according to the conditions and regulations of submission declared and admission to the official website of the Ministry of Higher Education and scientific research . "he slave, that" controls presentation does not allow for members of the House of Representatives and the President of and members of provincial councils, governors, ministers and their agents, consultants, general managers and rank shall be fixed Apply for postgraduate studies was not possible to provide a full - time requirement and the inadmissibility of granting study leave in accordance with the laws in force. "
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