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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Deputy for the citizen: not naming the ministers of interior and defense helped the deteriorating s

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     Deputy for the citizen: not naming the ministers of interior and defense helped the deteriorating s Empty Deputy for the citizen: not naming the ministers of interior and defense helped the deteriorating s

    Post by Rocky Fri 26 Jul 2013, 4:40 am

    Deputy for the citizen: not naming the ministers of interior and defense helped the deteriorating security situation

    Friday, July 26 / July 2013 10:42 | PDF | Print | Send to a Friend

    {Baghdad: Euphrates News} MP for the citizen Bloc Faleh effect that the survival of the ministries of defense and interior minister without actually led cast a shadow on the security reality, which led to deteriorate significantly.

    The sari in a press statement, told {Euphrates News} on Friday that "a country the size of Iraq without the Minister of Defence and Minister of the Interior gives the opportunity for groups terrorist to carry out her wishes when and where whatever she wants," noting that "the security forces responsible for protecting the prison responsible for the escape of prisoners from prisons Abu Ghraib {and coronary} ".

    And saw a prison {Taji and Abu Ghraib} escape nearly {500-1000} prisoner after a raid carried out by terrorists, was fired {100} mortar and bombing three car bombs and nine explosive belts, which took place during the raid clashes between terrorists and security forces responsible for keeping security prisons, and fell as a result of those clashes, eight martyrs and {14} wounded members of the security forces, according to the Ministry of Justice.

    Still internal security ministries {and} without defense where he directs the Minister Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's acting Interior Ministry, while runs and Culture Minister Saadoun al-Dulaimi and Acting Defense Ministry also, in spite of more than three years on the age of the current government.

    The speaker of the House of Representatives Osama Najafi in a press conference held yesterday decisively file security ministries vacant as a result of the country are exposed deterioration of security.

    He was surprised at the applicable "Scott and the Ministry of Justice and the lack of condemnation or incurred for responsibility in the escape of prisoners issue", stressing the need to "take the tough decisions House of Representatives against all of those involved in this crime, which targeted M and stability of the country."

    The head of the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council, Ammar al-Hakim, had expressed during the evening Ramadan ninth, which was held Monday night, surprised Scott officials about the repetition of crimes attempts to storm the Iraqi prisons and the flight of hundreds of terrorists, and not providing an explanation about it, wondering how long the remaining ministries and security institutions grave without a minister or officials acting?, also wondered about the fact that there is a clear vision and a specific strategy and plans for effective and leaders efficient in the management of security in the country, surprising escape of hundreds of criminals and terrorists from prisons Taji and Abu Ghraib on the night ظلماء one after that has the attention of the people and families victims of the martyrs and the wounded fastened to punish these criminals and take their reward just long for several years. ended 12 m

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