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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    MP calls for parliament to convene an emergency session to discuss the situation of the displaced pe

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    MP calls for parliament to convene an emergency session to discuss the situation of the displaced pe Empty MP calls for parliament to convene an emergency session to discuss the situation of the displaced pe

    Post by Rocky Tue 07 Mar 2017, 2:27 am

    Written b
    MP calls for parliament to convene an emergency session to discuss the situation of the displaced people the right coast and the city of Mosul, regarded as a disaster

    Nur News / Nineveh 
    expressed MP from the province of Nineveh , a victory for al - Jubouri , fears and deep concern at the increasing pace of displacement of the center of the right side humane and healthy difficult conditions and a lack of the most basic elements of living.
    Said al-Jubouri said in a statement received "light News," a copy of "the suffering of the people of Mosul, fleeing the coast right towards the south of the city portends a veritable disaster, especially since their numbers growing daily with the lack of any plan to house them or any aid can be provided to them, and that their situation from bad to worse after their displacement coincided with a wave of rain and cold. "
    She added, "It is obvious to everyone that this wave of displacement did not get a sudden not yet reached the figures above the expected, but that all the data indicated and identified what is happening now accurately, strange that we do not find any kind of standby or Althaoh to receive these citizens and housed, and There are no advance plan to take them or their wounded ambulance, except as provided by the heroic security forces, which have become bear the burden of liberation and the fight against terrorism and attention to the displaced people. "
    She continued, "Accordingly, we hold the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and all relevant ministries such failure, as UN offices in Iraq and the local government of Nineveh hold what is happening to the people of Mosul."
    It showed that "this omission and disregard for the fate of the people of Mosul DEAR who suffered two things under the injustice and crimes Daesh, must be placed under the table as soon as possible, so I call on the Presidency of the Council of Representatives to convene an emergency session to discuss the situation of displaced people from the right coast and provide what can be offered to them and display the problem of dereliction unjustified done to them and determine who is shortened, and the vote on the grounds stricken city of Mosul. "
    She called al-Jubouri, "the central government and its ministries concerned and the local government and its departments and organizations, humanitarian relief, and the international community to the rapid and immediate intervention to save families, also called clans sons and elders and notables in southern Mosul to provide support and assistance to their brothers and save them from this disaster horrific."

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