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    Germany fears that tensions with Russia launches a new arms race

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Germany fears that tensions with Russia launches a new arms race Empty Germany fears that tensions with Russia launches a new arms race

    Post by Rocky Sun 12 Mar 2017, 7:17 am

    [size=30]Germany fears that tensions with Russia launches a new arms race[/size]
    By :admin »time \ history: 7:34:15 a.m. || March 2017 10 » Views: 7 Show
    Germany fears that tensions with Russia launches a new arms race Aa-199

     The country today - and agencies -
     German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel warned Thursday of the danger of a new arms race with Russia. He called on all parties to work to end the violence in eastern Ukraine a first step towards a wider disarmament efforts as a step.
    Gabriel took advantage of his first visit to Moscow as secretary of state to emphasize the concern of Russian military buildup in the Baltic region and on its western border in addition to the debate in Washington about "exaggerated increases in military spending."
    He told reporters after a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, said they agreed to continue quad efforts by Germany, France, Russia and Ukraine for the implementation of the peace agreement signed in Minsk.
    He added that the parties to the conflict should implement measures already agreed upon, such as the withdrawal of heavy weaponry from the frontline.
    And escalated in the past few weeks, the conflict between Ukrainian forces backed separatists from Russia in the east of Ukraine, a conflict has already caused the deaths of ten thousand people.
    Gabriel and a member of the Social Democrat junior coalition led by Chancellor Angela Merkel partner.
    And the party of those who call for dialogue with Russia, but said Moscow's violation of its sovereign borders in Central Europe is not acceptable in reference to the annexation of the Crimea in 2014.
    Gabriel did not address during a press conference with Lavrov, Russia's deployment of missiles, nuclear-capable ballistic missiles in Kaliningrad, but said in a press statement, he said that any step taken by Moscow to make this always-proliferation "would represent a blow to European security."
    Can some modified versions of the Iskander-M missile to reach targets 700 kilometers, which makes the German capital Berlin into his own net from Kaliningrad.
    The German minister said "an urgent need for new initiatives for peace and security," adding that the disarmament of conventional and strategic weapons is still a pillar of German foreign policy.
    He continued, "What I fear is that we are facing a renewed threat of a new arms race in view of some of the debate on both sides and to the large number of armed forces in the Baltic states, Poland and the debate in the United States increases are exaggerated in defense spending."
    He added that the military build-up such as that occurred in the seventies and eighties of the last century it is not in favor of the people, pointing out that Russia must understand this lesson well than others.

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