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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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2 posters

    Iraqi ministers absent from the meetings of the government, "unjustified"

    Bama Diva
    Bama Diva

    Posts : 1859
    Join date : 2012-12-21
    Location : Gulf Coast

    Iraqi ministers absent from the meetings of the government, "unjustified"   Empty Iraqi ministers absent from the meetings of the government, "unjustified"

    Post by Bama Diva Sun 20 Jan 2013, 7:21 pm

    Iraqi ministers absent from the meetings of the government, "unjustified"

    21-01-2013 | (Voice of Iraq)

    BAGHDAD - morning - Tariq al-Araji

    Promised the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers absent ministers existing Iraqi cabinet sessions as "unjustified." Said Secretary General of the Council of Ministers on the Keywords in a statement singled out the "Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network": that "absent ministers existing Iraqi cabinet meetings is unfortunate , "noting that" ministers mentioned doing a job in their ministries and practicing their routine. "

    He added, "They must be present in the Council of Ministers, especially with the existence of problems and requests public, are supposed to attend the ministers of the Iraqi List cabinet sessions to express their opinion and suggestions and see the action taken if it was right or not, and at that if there is no conviction or the presence of things require no attendance Fletkhzu decision to that effect.

    "He continued:" The cabinet does not differ never issues logical and realistic nor seen as part of a complex political, and there is an understanding at a high level, and that the decision-making level smoothly in the Council of Ministers, which is one of the best councils state Bansjammeha The rhythms regular and decisions taken, "stressing that" the Council of Ministers is currently discussing issues demonstrators even if the other party is present, it will give other things serve the demonstrators and serving government and assist and facilitate the decisions taken.

    "In turn, the legal advisor to the Council of Ministers Fadel Mohammed Jawad, said the absence of ministers of the Iraqi List Council meetings adversely affect the performance of the government. said Jawad's "Brief Center for the Iraqi Media Network": that "one of the most important duties of the minister is to come to the meeting of the Council of Ministers in order to discuss issues of state and executive decision-making."

    He stressed that "the absence of some ministers from the Council of Ministers greatly affect the performance of the government," noting that "there are legal proceedings were taken against absentees." Stressed Jawad on "had been warning absent from meetings and inform them that the continued absence would put them to impeachment from office It is then set a agents instead of them to manage the ministry. "

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    day dreamer
    day dreamer
    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3197
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Iraqi ministers absent from the meetings of the government, "unjustified"   Empty Re: Iraqi ministers absent from the meetings of the government, "unjustified"

    Post by day dreamer Sun 20 Jan 2013, 7:33 pm

    Iraqi ministers absent from the meetings of the government, "unjustified"

    21/01/2013 12:00 am

    Legal Counsel asserts that the continued absence would put them to dismissal
    BAGHDAD - morning - Tariq al-Araji
    Promised the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers absent ministers existing Iraqi cabinet sessions as "unjustified." Said Secretary General of the Council of Ministers on the Keywords in a statement singled out the "Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network": that "absent ministers existing Iraqi cabinet meetings is unfortunate , "noting that" ministers mentioned doing a job in their ministries and practicing their routine. "
    He added, "They must be present in the Council of Ministers, especially with the existence of problems and requests public, are supposed to attend the ministers of the Iraqi List cabinet sessions to express their opinion and suggestions and see the action taken if it was right or not, and at that if there is no conviction or the presence of things require no attendance Fletkhzu decision to that effect. "He continued:" The cabinet does not differ never issues logical and realistic nor seen as part of a complex political, and there is an understanding at a high level, and that the decision-making level smoothly in the Council of Ministers, which is one of the best councils state Bansjammeha The rhythms regular and decisions taken, "stressing that" the Council of Ministers is currently discussing issues demonstrators even if the other party is present, it will give other things serve the demonstrators and serving government and assist and facilitate the decisions taken. "In turn, the legal advisor to the Council of Ministers Fadel Mohammed Jawad, said the absence of ministers of the Iraqi List Council meetings adversely affect the performance of the government. said Jawad's "Brief Center for the Iraqi Media Network": that "one of the most important duties of the minister is to come to the meeting of the Council of Ministers in order to discuss issues of state and executive decision-making."
    He stressed that "the absence of some ministers from the Council of Ministers greatly affect the performance of the government," noting that "there are legal proceedings were taken against absentees." Stressed Jawad on "had been warning absent from meetings and inform them that the continued absence would put them to impeachment from office It is then set a agents instead of them to manage the ministry. "

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      Current date/time is Thu 16 Jan 2025, 7:07 am