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    Iraq stock market registered a decline of 40 trading companies and foreign investors to buy

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iraq stock market registered a decline of 40 trading companies and foreign investors to buy Empty Iraq stock market registered a decline of 40 trading companies and foreign investors to buy

    Post by Rocky Tue 14 Mar 2017, 5:56 am

    Iraq stock market registered a decline of 40 trading companies and foreign investors to buy

    Twilight News
    6 hours ago

    Twilight News / record price index ISX 60 in Monday's session, down 1.03% the value of the number of shares exceeded 900 million shares.

    The executive director of the market, Taha Ahmed Abdul Salam, in a statement reported for Twilight News, that the market shares of trading amounted to 957 301 304 shares worth 730 855 605 dinars, closing price index ISX 60 at a hearing Monday on the (710.74) points down (1.03%) for the closure in the previous meeting (718.15 points).

    He added that the shares are traded on the market (40) companies out of 97 companies listed in the market while the number of companies still stalled a decision of the securities of non-compliance with the instructions of the financial disclosure form (14) company.

    Abdul Salam confirmed that the number of shares bought by non-Iraqi investors reached (25) thousand shares valued at (9.500) thousand dinars through the implementation of (1) transactions on the shares of one company, and also the number of shares sold by non-Iraqi investors (66.841) million shares value of (30.526) billion dinars through the implementation of (22) transactions on the shares of both companies.

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      Current date/time is Thu 23 Jan 2025, 12:38 pm