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    Trump's budget would restore America's greatness again

    Admin Assist
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    Trump's budget would restore America's greatness again Empty Trump's budget would restore America's greatness again

    Post by Rocky Fri 17 Mar 2017, 2:13 am

    Trump's budget would restore America's greatness again

    Arab and international   Friday 17 March 2017 time 8:46 (485 views)
    Trump's budget would restore America's greatness again
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    An unprecedented rise in Pentagon spending on the ad hoc international assistance and environmental protection funds account
    , It suggests the US president Donald Trump, on Thursday in the first Mizzatinh, a significant reduction in ad hoc international assistance and protection of the environment to compensate for the unprecedented rise in the Ministry of defense spending, the Pentagon funds. And not for the budget, which will reveal the details at seven o'clock (11.00 GMT), any chance that approved by Congress as it is, but translate the numbers Trump program, which centered on the slogan "America first."

    The unprecedented increase worth $ 54 billion to defend (about 10%) Sttravq significantly cut funds in most of the ministries and other federal agencies. According to Mick Mlvana in charge of the budget document provides for the reduction of 28% allocated to the Foreign Ministry in charge of the first diplomatic superpower in the world of funds. The current budget, which includes the Agency for International Development (USAID) up to $ 50 billion.

    For his part, the White House announced a slight reduction (1%) in the space allocated to the US Agency for money (NASA). In a speech before Congress Trump she pointed to the possibility of re-launching the manned space programs

    He said that "the president said during his campaign that he would spend less money abroad and more in the United States." He stressed that the budget will allow to preserve the "core diplomatic posts in the Ministry of Defense," which is 70 thousand employees and 250 embassies and consulates. In case of approval considering several financing will be international agencies. Two weeks ago, the Republican president announced to the Congress, "My job is not to represent the world but the United States."

    The remaining US military expenditures, which represents 3.3% of gross domestic product, a $ 600 billion, the most important in the world and is three times larger than China's second global military force expenses.

    The publication of the document is the beginning of a long battle with Congress because he is the one who will resolve the matter and not the White House. No consensus between the majority and the president, even though Republicans control both houses of Congress. And it took a number of Republicans in Congress responsible adults away on some proposals. Sen. Marco Rubio, "Foreign assistance is not good," saying they are essential to national security.

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