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    North Korea conducted a test of a new rocket motor in the presence of Kim Un

    Admin Assist
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    North Korea conducted a test of a new rocket motor in the presence of Kim Un Empty North Korea conducted a test of a new rocket motor in the presence of Kim Un

    Post by Rocky Sun 19 Mar 2017, 4:29 am

    North Korea conducted a test of a new rocket motor in the presence of Kim Un

    Date: 19/03/2017 09:48
    Kim Jong Nam

    Information / Baghdad ..

    North Korea conducted a test of a new rocket motor in the presence of Kim Jong-un, who praised the successful experience as "a new birth" for the manufacture of missiles in the country.

    The official news agency of North Korea quoted the North Korean leader as saying that "the world will soon realize the importance of the historic victory we achieved today."

    It seemed clear that he was chosen the timing of this test to coincide with the arrival of the new US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Saturday to Beijing.

    A few hours before his meeting Sunday with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Tillerson said that Beijing and Washington "will work together to see (if they can) that Tdjala Pyongyang government changed its position (...) and away from developing nuclear weapons."

    The earlier successful test on the engine warm in the North Korean capital, and is considered the official news agency that "the development and completion of (making) High-payment of the new generation engine will help to strengthen the scientific and technological foundations that will allow us to reach the global level in the field of satellite launch and intervention in space." .

    The agency stressed that the "leader (Kim) pointed out that the success of this test is of a historic importance of the event, and said that it comes with the birth of a new missile program for the country."

    But the rocket motor that can be easily adapted to run missiles, believed by many to be North Korea's satellite launch is only a cover tests in the military field. Finished / 25

      Current date/time is Sun 19 Jan 2025, 1:03 am