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    Schumer: Democrats will filibuster SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    Schumer: Democrats will filibuster SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch Empty Schumer: Democrats will filibuster SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch

    Post by Lobo Thu 23 Mar 2017, 2:42 pm

    Schumer: Democrats will filibuster SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch

    Kaitlyn Schallhorn 2 hours

    Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) announced Thursday that Senate Democrats plan to filibuster Judge Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court nomination.
    Speaking from the Senate floor Thursday morning, Schumer announced that he would not vote for Gorsuch’s confirmation and said Democrats will demand that he receive at least 60 votes in order to be confirmed to the highest federal court.
    “After careful deliberation, I have concluded that I cannot support Judge Neil Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court,” Schumer said. “His nomination will have a cloture vote. He will have to earn 60 votes for confirmation. My vote will be no, and I urge my colleagues to do the same.”
    Should Gorsuch fail to garner 60 votes, the Minority Leader said, “the answer isn’t to change the rules — it’s to change the nominee.”

    Schumer said he’s reviewed Gorsuch’s record and criticized his “lack of candor and desire to answer” questions posed by the Senate Judiciary Committee during his confirmation hearing this week.
    “Judge Gorsuch was not able to convince me that he would be an independent check on a president who has shown almost no restraint from executive overreach,” Schumer said. “He was unable to convince me that he would be a mainstream justice who could rule free from the biases of politics and ideology.”
    Schumer added that Gorsuch’s record shows he has a “deep-seated conservative ideology” and “groomed by the Federalist Society,” a conservative nonprofit legal organization.
    “He is someone who almost instinctively favors the powerful over the weak, corporations over working Americans,” Schumer continued. “There could not be a worse time for someone with those instincts.”

      Current date/time is Wed 22 Jan 2025, 5:47 am