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day dreamer
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    Y'all come to Texas, state official tells New York gun owners

    day dreamer
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    Y'all come to Texas, state official tells New York gun owners Empty Y'all come to Texas, state official tells New York gun owners

    Post by day dreamer Mon 21 Jan 2013, 9:17 pm

    way to go texas!!!

    Y'all come to Texas, state official tells New York gun owners

    By Jim Forsyth

    SAN ANTONIO | Thu Jan 17, 2013 5:31pm EST

    (Reuters) - Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has a message for New York gun owners: Come to Texas, and bring your guns with you.

    "Texas is better than New York, and New York just gave us another excuse to say that," Abbott, a Republican, said on Thursday, after ads extolling Texas appeared on several media websites.

    New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, signed sweeping gun-control legislation earlier this week expanding the state's ban on assault weapons and putting limits on ammunition capacity in the wake of last month's school shootings in Connecticut.

    Abbott, a possible candidate for governor of Texas in next year's election, used campaign money to buy ads on websites of news organizations in New York City and Albany.

    One ad says in classic Western script: "WANTED: Law abiding New York gun owners seeking lower taxes and greater opportunities."

    Clicking on the ad leads to a Facebook page touting the virtues of Texas, including the fact that the state has no income tax so "you'll be able to keep more of what you earn and use that extra money to buy more ammo."

    Abbott told Reuters the ads are a "way to tweak our liberal friends up in the Northeast."

    "It is tongue in cheek, but there is a deeper message here," he said. "Texas really does stand as the last bastion of ultimate freedom in this country. Over the last decade, more than 4 million people moved to this state, and one reason is freedom and one reason is economic opportunity."

    Abbott has said he will file a federal lawsuit to throw out any nationwide gun restrictions implemented by Congress.

    A Cuomo spokesman did not immediately respond to an emailed request for comment


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    Y'all come to Texas, state official tells New York gun owners Empty Re: Y'all come to Texas, state official tells New York gun owners

    Post by wciappetta Tue 22 Jan 2013, 5:32 am

    Well give me a "T" for Texas!

    Even to your old age, I will be the same and I will bear you up when you turn gray.
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    Y'all come to Texas, state official tells New York gun owners Empty Re: Y'all come to Texas, state official tells New York gun owners

    Post by Diamond Tue 22 Jan 2013, 5:55 am

    This man is a idiot, why would he ask a bunch of freeloaders that voted in a lot of liberal politicans to come to Texas, so that our taxes will rise from having to support them, we dont need their guns we have plenty of our own. Evil or Very Mad

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    Y'all come to Texas, state official tells New York gun owners Empty Re: Y'all come to Texas, state official tells New York gun owners

    Post by wciappetta Tue 22 Jan 2013, 6:06 am

    Don't be so quick to Judge them, those boys in New York who he was reaching out to are not those liberal types ... There are many hard working Conservative gun owning New Yorkers .... They have a lot in common with Texans and hold the same values... Y'all come home!

    Even to your old age, I will be the same and I will bear you up when you turn gray.
    I have made you, and I will carry you; I will sustain you and deliver you. -Isaiah 46:4
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    Y'all come to Texas, state official tells New York gun owners Empty Re: Y'all come to Texas, state official tells New York gun owners

    Post by Diamond Tue 22 Jan 2013, 6:22 am

    I'm not being quick to judge i've lived all my 61 yrs here in Texas an ive seen people coming from NY an all the NE an they always come with their ways an want to change here to fit their ways, their like they illegals crossin the border they want our benefits, but want their way of life, its like a right shoe on a left foot, it just wont work!

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    Y'all come to Texas, state official tells New York gun owners Empty Re: Y'all come to Texas, state official tells New York gun owners

    Post by wciappetta Tue 22 Jan 2013, 6:38 am

    Come on where's that hospitality Texans are famous for? It takes a period of adjustment to break in those shoes... Most Texans got that infectious hospitality that makes one heart feel right at home... That was my experience and it's the one I'll remember

    Even to your old age, I will be the same and I will bear you up when you turn gray.
    I have made you, and I will carry you; I will sustain you and deliver you. -Isaiah 46:4
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    Y'all come to Texas, state official tells New York gun owners Empty Re: Y'all come to Texas, state official tells New York gun owners

    Post by Diamond Tue 22 Jan 2013, 6:49 am

    I'll open my home in hospitality an prepare a meal for any man an woman on gods green earth, just dont show up with u-haul or camper trailer an call that hospitality.:D

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    Y'all come to Texas, state official tells New York gun owners Empty Re: Y'all come to Texas, state official tells New York gun owners

    Post by wciappetta Tue 22 Jan 2013, 7:23 am

    lol ...I know you got it in you.... ;)

    Even to your old age, I will be the same and I will bear you up when you turn gray.
    I have made you, and I will carry you; I will sustain you and deliver you. -Isaiah 46:4

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    Y'all come to Texas, state official tells New York gun owners Empty Re: Y'all come to Texas, state official tells New York gun owners

    Post by notazbad2000 Tue 22 Jan 2013, 7:34 am

    We are all children of God! I'm with you Diamond, I will feed the multitudes with all I have. That's written somewhere isn't it?


    The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
    Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love, 1963

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    Y'all come to Texas, state official tells New York gun owners Empty Re: Y'all come to Texas, state official tells New York gun owners

    Post by mazzone62 Tue 22 Jan 2013, 9:22 am

    Hey, I'm from NY (buffalo area) and have worked my whole life including 10 years in the Navy, have Never recieved benifits from the state and pay my taxes. I own guns, raise most of my own food, eat alot of deer and rabbit. Although i think you Texans are lucky to live where you do regarding guns and taxes, (and weather lol) i would not move there. Too close to the border with the drugs and crime and i'm terrified of those big roach bugs in the south. So don't worry about me moving there.

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