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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    5 French banks contribute to the financing of Israeli settlement

    Admin Assist
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    5 French banks contribute to the financing of Israeli settlement Empty 5 French banks contribute to the financing of Israeli settlement

    Post by Rocky Wed 29 Mar 2017, 3:09 am

    5 French banks contribute to the financing of Israeli settlement


    The International Federation for Human Rights confirmed that five French financial institutions funded by the Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories through its participation in Israeli banks and companies operating in the settlements.
    Said federal, Wednesday, in a report entitled: "serious links between French banks and the Israeli settlement", said that the banks "BNP Paribas" and "Societe Generale" and "BBC er" company "AXA" Insurance, and through the support of "continuous "Israeli banks and companies operating in the settlements," directly contribute to the sustainability and development of "these settlements.
    The report, co also set up each of the "Association of Human Rights" and "the General Confederation of work", that these French large financial groups manage "financial partnerships" or "owns shares" in Israeli banks constitute "an essential tool in the settlement policy" for by "construction financing" in these settlements.
    He added that these French institutions have relations with Israeli companies "provide vital services for the sustainability and development of the settlements," such as "construction of houses or factories or D phone networks and the Internet or even the development of surveillance equipment."
    Furthermore, it Maryse Artigilon, Deputy International Federation for Human Rights Chairperson, in the report, regrets that these five French institutions "seek behind profit, whatever the outcome," she said: "It's sad" to put these institutions themselves "in such a situation is unfair, only in order to earn a little money. "
    United Nations and the international community considers the settlements in the Palestinian territories is illegal.

      Current date/time is Mon 20 Jan 2025, 6:48 am