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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Citizen Bloc: Delay by changing the electoral commission confuse the political process

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277658
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Citizen Bloc: Delay by changing the electoral commission confuse the political process Empty Citizen Bloc: Delay by changing the electoral commission confuse the political process

    Post by Rocky Thu 30 Mar 2017, 1:32 am

    Citizen Bloc: Delay by changing the electoral commission confuse the political process

     Baghdad / term

    Demanded the citizen parliamentary bloc, on Wednesday, the Presidency of the Council of Representatives put the timing of time for the work of the selection committee members of the Electoral Commission Council.
    The head of the bloc MP Hamid Vegetative, in a statement seen by (term), that "while we call on the members of the Selection Committee (Independent Electoral Commission members for election), which we know their sincerity and dedication in the performance of national tasks entrusted to the mantle , we are asking them to expedite the resolution of this file It is important and sensitive. "
    He added vegetative that "any delay in the work of this Committee will confuse the entire political process and the consequent alarming effects, so it has to be sustained and hard work to accomplish the task entrusted to them , " calling on the Presidency of the Council of Representatives to "dump the members of this committee always in the House of Representatives so that they can to complete their mission with the necessary speed and setting a time limit for its work in line Meh timely fashion . "
    He stressed the head of the citizen , " the ability of this committee to overcome the obstacles that occurred at the beginning of their work that may arise later , " and expressed the hope "in accomplishing this task with high professionalism of extreme importance to the stability of the political process and ensure the future of the country."
    In a related context, the Independent High Electoral Commission signed on Wednesday, signed a contract with the South Korean Miro company to provide them with sorting and counting mail, confirming that the point of the decade shift in performance to protect the voice of the Iraqi voter manipulation and speed up the announcement of results.

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