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    Arab leaders cling to the establishment of a Palestinian state, amid concern the US position

    Admin Assist
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    Arab leaders cling to the establishment of a Palestinian state, amid concern the US position Empty Arab leaders cling to the establishment of a Palestinian state, amid concern the US position

    Post by Rocky Thu 30 Mar 2017, 1:43 am

    Arab leaders cling to the establishment of a Palestinian state, amid concern the US position

     Oman / Reuters

    Arab leaders stressed again on Wednesday their adherence to the two - state solution to end the Arab - Israeli conflict for decades amid growing concern over the position of the new US administration headed by Donald Trump.
    And confounded Trump Arab and European leaders in February \ February when he signaled his openness to a solution to the conflict based on one state , which is inconsistent with the position adopted by the international community by successive US administrations.
    Later , Trump said in an interview with Reuters that he would prefer a two - state solution to end the conflict but did not confirm his country 's commitment to the establishment of a Palestinian state and said he "would be satisfied with anything happy both sides."
    Arab leaders , the participants did not mention the Arab summit, held in the Dead Sea area in Jordan and continue for one day, to Trump or to his vague but showed keen to confirm the continuation of their support for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state , strongly criticized the expansion of Jewish settlements land Mahtlh.oukal King Abdullah King of Jordan said that peace will not be achieved in the Middle East without the establishment of a Palestinian state on the basis of a two - state solution.
    He said in a speech at the opening of the Arab summit , "Israel continues to expand settlements and in the work to undermine the chances of achieving peace. There is no peace or stability in the region without a just and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue , the central issue of the Middle East through a two - state solution."

    Criticism of Israel
    and the Dead Sea is located just a few kilometers from the occupied West Bank and can see the visitor 's Israeli settlements with the naked eye.
    This week , Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he was committed to working with Trump to push peace efforts with the Palestinians but also declined to confirm its commitment to the two - state solution.
    Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas criticized Israeli policies in his speech to the summit on Wednesday.
    Abbas said that " the Israeli government since 2009 has worked to undermine the two - state solution to accelerate the pace of settlement and land confiscation."
    He met with Jason Greenblatt Trump 's envoy to the Middle East , Abbas before the Arab summit for the second time in two weeks. He called Trump Abbas also to visit the White House.
    Abbas said that the US administration has "many questions and we completed the picture until we answer in their minds in detail tirelessly in one language."
    He added that he informed the US envoy to the Palestinians attachment to an independent state for them.
    He said King Abdullah , who enjoys his guardianship of the Islamic holy places in Jerusalem , "We will continue our role in addressing any attempt to change the status quo and in particular attempts to temporal or spatial division of the Al - Aqsa Mosque stand-Haram al - Sharif."
    He added : "You are the Sindh and aid to Jordan in this responsibility. We need to work together to protect Jerusalem and to address attempts to impose a new reality , which would be disastrous for the future of the region and its stability."
    Secretary - General of the United Nations Antonio Jotirih said that he supported the two - state solution and informed the participants at the summit that this is " the only way to ensure that it becomes able to Palestinians and Israelis realize their national aspirations and live in peace, security and dignity."

      Current date/time is Sat 18 Jan 2025, 5:10 pm