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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Representative of the US Treasury mimics Handal and Sam (John F. Kennedy) in appreciation for his ef

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    Representative of the US Treasury mimics Handal and Sam (John F. Kennedy) in appreciation for his ef Empty Representative of the US Treasury mimics Handal and Sam (John F. Kennedy) in appreciation for his ef

    Post by Rocky Thu 30 Mar 2017, 3:43 pm

    Representative of the US Treasury mimics Handal and Sam (John F. Kennedy) in appreciation for his efforts in the development of the banking business

    Awarded the US Treasury representative in Iraq, John Sullivan, head of the Iraqi Association of private banks and the depositary of Handal and Sam (John F. Kennedy), the highest award granted by the US Treasury Department for the leaders of civil society organizations specialized financial and banking Balhuun in the world, in appreciation for their efforts in promoting bilateral relations and their role in the financial and banking Ttoiralaml in their countries
    And he presented the medal to the President of the Association representative of the US Treasury Department in Iraq, John Sullivan, in a bid farewell to his association ceremony at its headquarters in Baghdad on Wednesday night on the occasion of ending his tenure in Iraq.
    The ceremony was attended by a number of heads of boards of directors of government and private Iraqi banks and officials of the Association, including Executive Director
    During the ceremony, emphasizing the continued cooperation and coordination between the US Treasury Department and between the government and private Iraqi banks, so as to achieve their common objective in establishing direct links between the work of US and Iraqi banks and open accounts for each of them in the other.
    He pledged US Treasury Representative John Sullivan to make double efforts to achieve this goal, which sought to achieve the two sides through the meetings that took place between them in the past months, a series
    For which the US Treasury delegation to the evolution of Iraqi banks in compliance with international standards in combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism, during which

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277821
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Representative of the US Treasury mimics Handal and Sam (John F. Kennedy) in appreciation for his ef Empty US Treasury granted the Iraqi Association of Banks and the Order of John F. Kennedy

    Post by Rocky Fri 31 Mar 2017, 3:09 am

    US Treasury granted the Iraqi Association of Banks and the Order of John F. Kennedy

    Thursday, March 30, 2017

    Books - Mohamed Adel:

    Wadih received Handal, head of the Iraqi Association of private banks, Sam John F. Kennedy for the role of the Association of Excellence at the local level, regional and international. He handed over the medal representative of the US Treasury Department in Iraq, John Sullivan, at the headquarters of the Association, and in the presence of a group of banking leaders, representatives of the US Treasury in Iraq.

    Honor comes in recognition of the efforts of the Association in the development of the banking sector in Iraq and cooperation in building bridges of cooperation between Iraq and the United States of America, and cooperation between the two countries in support of the private banking sector and its compliance with international standards and to work on restoring Iraqi banks dealings with US banks.

    Said Wadih Handal, he said that the award of pride and confidence of the Association certificate, and confirm that the association is going on its way towards the Iraqi society and economy service, human resources development and openness to the world. Explaining that the medal was granted to the Association for its role in the advancement of the sector of the Iraqi banking, and its contribution to the humanitarian relief goods and development of social projects across the country, and the future vision enjoyed by the association towards building a strong and capable of driving economic growth in Iraq's banking sector.

    He explained that the association is proceeding well thought towards the development of human resources as the number of trainees to 530 currently, and the number will rise to 630 end of this month, indicating that the association plans to increase the number to 2,000 trainees with the end of the year 2017.

    The head of the Iraqi Association of private banks that the visit of the US Treasury of the Association of Iraqi private banks, where the delegation had fruitful know the delegation on the achievements of the private banking sector and its role in the reconstruction of Iraq. He added Wadih Handal, that the delegation's visit gives a strong and clear message over the confidence and faith Treasury trends and the work of the Association, which is the Iraqi Central Bank arm a chance to tell the success stories of private banks in the areas of the country's reconstruction and development of Al-Rashid Street project Take Baghdad and a campaign of our people, headed by Ambassador that goodwill musician Naseer Shamma, noting that the delegation's visit reflects the interest of the Association on the level of the Arab, regional and international, which is one of the most important joints of the Iraqi private sector, which is very much looking forward to the national role in building the country devastated by war and ravaged by the winds of terrorism To Black.

    For his part, John Sullivan, head of the delegation appreciated the efforts of the Association of private banks and their role in the development of the work of banks through advanced training programs.

    The US Treasury delegation included John Sullivan head of the delegation and the Bank of New York Michelle Chatzl Reserve and Rashid Naseem director at Bank of New York and Leslie Young adviser at the US Treasury and Mary the gift of energy and economic adviser.

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