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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    With the participation of Iraq .. Arab electricity ministers today are seeking joint Arab linkage

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

     With the participation of Iraq .. Arab electricity ministers today are seeking joint Arab linkage Empty With the participation of Iraq .. Arab electricity ministers today are seeking joint Arab linkage

    Post by Rocky Thu 06 Apr 2017, 2:39 am

    With the participation of Iraq .. Arab electricity ministers today are seeking joint Arab linkage

    History of edits:: 2017/4/6

    {Baghdad: Euphrates News} held on Thursday with the participation of Iraq in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, the 12th session of the Ministerial Council of the Arab electricity.
    It is scheduled that the Council several issues , including developments in the Arab electric interconnection and the Arab common market for electricity projects , as well as renewable energy and energy efficiency topics.
    And includes the agenda of the Council also discussed activating cooperation with the World Bank to develop the operational plan for the establishment of the Arab common market for electricity as well as the Arab strategy for sustainable energy mechanisms.
    It will be chaired by the Minister of Oil and Minister of Electricity and Water of Kuwait Essam Abdul Mohsen Marzouk this session.
    Said Mohamed Shaker, Minister of Electricity of Egypt and renewable energy, and the head of the office of the Ministerial Council of the Arab Electricity states of Iraq, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, Mauritania, Qatar, Yemen, Oman, Palestine, that in the framework of continuous cooperation between the League of Arab States and the World Bank, especially in the field energy will display what has been on the bank 's initiative to create a platform for the exchange of electricity between the Arab countries and the conceptual note prepared in this regard.
    The agenda will also include the peaceful uses of nuclear energy item, and will be done by the Council and the secretariat of the Arab Atomic Energy of a major effort for the preparation and coordination for holding conferences and training courses in this area.
    In the framework of the Arab Strategy for the development of renewable energy uses {2010-2030} , adopted at the Arab Development Economic and Social Summit in Riyadh in 2013 as a framework for Arab joint action in the field of renewable energy where it was expanded to become the Arab Strategy for Sustainable Energy will be the final draft of view of the Arab energy strategy update Almstdamh.anthy

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