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    The United Nations calls for a comprehensive truce in Syria for 72 hours

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    The United Nations calls for a comprehensive truce in Syria for 72 hours Empty The United Nations calls for a comprehensive truce in Syria for 72 hours

    Post by Rocky Fri 07 Apr 2017, 1:48 am

    The United Nations calls for a comprehensive truce in Syria for 72 hours

    Arab and international Thursday April 6, 2017 at 13:41 pm (576 views)
    The United Nations calls for a comprehensive truce in Syria for 72 hours
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    BAGHDAD / Sky Press:

    He announced the Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs Jan Egeland in Syria on Thursday that the United Nations has asked the United States, Russia, Iran and Turkey to reach a comprehensive humanitarian truce in Syria for 72 hours.

    This called on the United Nations to Russian American support for a political solution.

    For his part, Foreign Minister of France, Jean-Marc Eero said on Thursday that Paris is still seeking a resolution of the UN Security Council on Syria, adding that diplomatic negotiations have priority over any military action.

    He said Eero television "" that "France is still trying to talk with its partners in the Security Council, particularly the permanent members, particularly Russia."

    The UN Security Council, held on Wednesday, a session to discuss the attack on Khan Shaikhoun in Syria.


    The United States, Britain and France introduced a draft resolution to the Security Council from seven points, on the massacre of Idlib, which claimed the lives of more than 1,000 people dead.

    But Russia considered the text "is absolutely unacceptable," in a new pointer to divisions between Western and Moscow on the Syrian file.

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