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    The Syrian army announced the killing of six US military strike and vows to crush terrorism

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    The Syrian army announced the killing of six US military strike and vows to crush terrorism Empty The Syrian army announced the killing of six US military strike and vows to crush terrorism

    Post by Rocky Fri 07 Apr 2017, 3:28 am

    The Syrian army announced the killing of six US military strike and vows to crush terrorism

    Publication date: 07.04.2017 | Are GMT 07:12 |
    Last Updated: 07.04.2017 | Are GMT 08:06 |Arab World News

    A + A A- Copy the link31 124

    General Command of the Syrian army announced the killing of six soldiers and the fall of a number of injuries and considerable material damage from the US missile strikes on the capillaries base Brive Homs.

    read more
    KremlinPutin is US strikes against Syria aggression against a sovereign state
    In a statement issued by the General Command of the Syrian army that the US military earlier on aggression "naked" at the third hour and forty-two minutes at dawn on a number of rockets, killing 6 people and the fall of the number of injured and causing considerable material damage.

    The army confirmed that its response to aggression "is more determination to continue the national duty to defend the Syrian people and crushing terrorism wherever it exists and to restore security and safety to the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic all."

    She added the general command of the army. "This American aggression convicted confirms the continuation of the US strategy wrong and undermines counter-terrorism operation carried out by the Syrian Arab Army and makes the United States a partner for" Daesh "and" victory "and other terrorist organizations, which has been since the first day of the unjust war on Syria to attack the Syrian army points and military bases. "

    General Command considered that the feet of the United States to try to justify this aggression under the pretext of using the Syrian army's chemical weapons in Khan Sheikhun, without knowing the truth of what has been in charge of your identification, would send the wrong messages to terrorist groups make them persist in the use of chemical weapons in the future whenever suffered significant losses in the field of battle.

    General Command of the Army confirmed that the American aggression against all international laws and norms and seeks to influence the Syrian Arab Army capabilities in the fight against terrorism.

    The Russian embassy in Damascus said it had not yet received any information about the victims of Ross by the US strike on the capillaries base.

    The US strike had been carried out with 59 rockets a winged aircraft "Tomahawk" targeted warplanes and infrastructure base and ammunition depots and air defense systems and Alradat. According to media reports the destruction of all aircraft that were present at the airport and causing major damage to the airport itself.

    Source: SANA

    Oksana Chwendjok

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