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    Maliki warns of soft and infiltration of ideas destructive of the political process

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Maliki warns of soft and infiltration of ideas destructive of the political process Empty Maliki warns of soft and infiltration of ideas destructive of the political process

    Post by Rocky Mon 10 Apr 2017, 1:11 am

    Maliki warns of soft and infiltration of ideas destructive of the political process

    Political Since 2017-04-09 at 20:07 (Baghdad time)

    Baghdad - Mawazine News
    Deputy Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki warned on Sunday of soft plots and infiltration of destructive ideas to the political process.
    Maliki said the 37 anniversary of the martyrdom of Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr and his sister Alawite Bint al-Huda, in a statement, received / Mawazin News, a copy of it, "Sadr is a comprehensive civil project was not aimed at governance or authority, but the mind and school doctrine and sacrifice," noting that " A state deeply rooted in his pure soul. "
    He added that "the Islamic Dawa Party is a product of martyr Sadr, he was the owner of a culture open to all political movements and currents, and addressed to all away from sectarian considerations, sectarian and factional."
    He pointed out that "we are now on the door to the final victory, and from here we have to establish a new phase of the process of construction and reconstruction," stressing that "we must be aware of the seriousness of the stage and plans sought by the enemies."
    The statement pointed out that "opening up to each other is one of the most important things we need in the next phase," stressing the importance of getting rid of all those who planted sedition in the country and agree that we face that sedition.
    He added that "all Iraqis participate in the government and no one can get out of the circle of responsibility, and there is a sedition that some are trying to raise through the naming of an Islamic stream and a civil stream," pointing out that "the arena is open to all and those who wish to work for Iraq to work."

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