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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    01~23~2013 Horoscopes


    Posts : 854
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Age : 54

    01~23~2013 Horoscopes  Empty 01~23~2013 Horoscopes

    Post by Cat561 Wed 23 Jan 2013, 5:39 am

    Your ability to communicate is at a high. Fate favors you in the workplace. You will find this a perfect time to be assertive and to move forward in your career decisions. You will benefit from analytical insights and getting to the heart of things. Your friend needs advice about some personal news. You will not be able to solve this problem but your listening ear will help him or her to focus on an answer. You will find yourself shopping or looking at real estate this afternoon. Whether you want to sell or buy, you will want to get some legal advice. Work on your tax papers tonight; you may uncover some important information for changing this year's tax return to the positive. You may decide to end this day with music. There could be romance.

    Workday projects are interrupted often today. Your work may not be on the same time schedule of others and some may seem short tempered. Be patient now as this will call for a day to stay to yourself and if you feel the need to talk, talk to a friend apart from work. Your noon break would be a good time to alleviate the tension with laughter or at least find some way to lighten the stress that others may be experiencing. Education, advertising and travel play a big part in today's activity and it is all positive. Be aware that there are governing factors that present likelihood for experiences beyond your surroundings today. You could be making deliveries. If you are in publishing or writing, you can advance your career. Rest and enjoy the evening.

    Respect, status and achievement are central goals for you as a new phase begins in your life. Creating a structure to empower and maintain your ideals and principles become a high priority. You take the initiative and gain support from those around you now. Do not push too hard or others will think you have turned power hungry or control oriented. You may have to work very hard at pacing yourself and remember that some things are not on your timetable. Recycling may be a concern now--there has been enough time to instill new habits and you may encourage others to join in the process to improve the planet. Talking with your friends and family, you may find subjects that make you analyze and psychoanalyze your own thinking.

    Your wishes can come true today as everything is working in your favor. There may be a particular fraternity or sorority, club or group you want to join. Now is a good time to join a group. Your intuition is keen and it will lead you in a good direction; listen. You have been thinking of making a few changes in your wardrobe lately. Making a good impression is very important to you. A sense of harmony prevails most of the time with you and you will also find that you can speak your mind and call your own shots in many areas of your life. Financial security and enjoying the finer things in life receive a high priority. You are most pleasant and you will find your friends enjoy having you around and involving you in many of their activities.

    Your needs for love, companionship, friendship, and sharing are very strong now, and you won't want to be alone or go off to do solitary work. In fact, you feel like relaxing and enjoying the beautiful side of life rather than laboring or concentrating on difficult tasks. A significant development in a close relationship or strong feelings of attraction to someone you encounter are very likely at this time.

    Long-range perspectives from foreign places are possible early this year. Purchase several notebooks for your personal use. Perhaps a blue notebook for your dreams by your bedside and a red one for your passions or thoughts and a green one for your health projects or changes that you might want to create. These notebooks or journals will give you the opportunity to express ideas and feelings and create solutions. Time seems to slow down this afternoon, but it gives you an opportunity to finish unfinished business. Try to see the lighter side of the emotional issues temporarily coming into your life--a sense of gratitude for the people that have given you wisdom is a good thing. You may have insights or breakthroughs in your thinking

    If you know that your job will lead to rewards you will work long and hard. You are a smart businessperson and others look to you for answers in many areas. You may have an urge to express some critical information to another today--you are attentive to add encouragement. Respect, status and achievement are central goals for you and you pass those qualities along to others as you conduct business in the best possible way. Creating a structure to empower and maintain your ideals and principles become a high priority. By taking on greater responsibilities, you become an inspiration to many. A family situation can be helped this evening. Respect for others is important and may be as simple as the art of listening.

    A job change is not appropriate at this time. However, if you feel it is time, do only the basics by sending out a few resumes to see if you get a response. Your humor is certainly in fine shape. As you refresh others, you will have renewed strength. You keep your words positive and upbeat and you seem to have a sincere knowledge that what you do in this world leaves a mark. It is up to you to make sure it is a positive mark. Through the end of the month, you could be more thoughtful than active. Pay attention to the amounts of food you eat; easy does it. The exchange of ideas becomes a focal point. Learning, knowing a little about many things, staying in touch and on top of the latest developments are the things that satisfy a need for mental stimulation.

    You will find, suddenly, that your work has become more productive and more people-oriented. Perhaps computer integrated. Working and networking with others in your work or interests will help you to build your confidence. You and your loved one will be working together to improve finances, health, friendships, relationships, contracts, commitments and agreements. Make it a habit to focus your thoughts and actions so that you will not become scattered or confused. Figuring out how to organize projects and people is apt to become a topic of special interest. Opinions are not enough just now: they must be backed by authority or evidence, and above all, practical worth and application. This is a period of intense study and thought.

    There could be a new job or promotion waiting for you today. Young people may enjoy your company as well. You could be working on a creative project that will draw attention to you. There is a lot of activity and you need to focus on doing the best you can right now. Stop when you can and divert your attention to adjust to the atmosphere. Delay large acquisitions and laborious exercise for now. Be ready to reevaluate your motives as well as your methods of working. Admiration as well as achievement becomes important to your career now. Others will appreciate you more than ever; you create things that stir their hearts. This is child's play; this is romance; this is taking a chance. Enjoy a relaxing evening with your loved one(s) this evening.

    There are energies for opportunities with expansion and optimism. This could mean travel, excessive spending and opportunities to return to school or take a class. Instant gratification is one of the temptations you may fall into now. This has a practical and materialistic kind of focus, one that emphasizes the making and spending of money. Learning what really counts is an important lesson that may be learned the hard way. People know that they get good results from your hard work. They may take advantage of you, particularly if you do not set limits. You are passionate in many areas of your life but there are few as passionate as you are when it comes to knowledge. You may have found a good book for this evening . . . romance is also possible!

    There is much drive and inspiration for disciplined work. You win reward, recognition and authority through hard work and knowing the score. A friend could present you with a challenge this afternoon. Viewpoints between you and this friend may need review. Close relationships offer a lot of potential for growth and change. Continued interaction with neighbors over community concerns may create some round table discussions. This is good, as it will bring about some facts upon which the group can base their communication when talking with authorities. Could this be trouble in zoning laws? Family matters are positive and you will find this a good time to play board games or help young ones with homework.

      Current date/time is Thu 23 Jan 2025, 7:23 am