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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Post by Rocky Wed 12 Apr 2017, 1:17 am

    Out of bounds

    Gold climbs amid demand for safe havens due to political risks
    rose gold on Tuesday as investors assets that are safe havens amid heightened political and security tensions over North Korea, the Middle East and the elections French Aloshikh.obhlol at 0935 GMT spot gold price 0.15 percent rose to US $ 1256.10 an ounce ( an ounce), while US gold futures rose 0.5 percent to a record 1259.50 Dollarrozadt silver 0.1 percent in online transactions to $ 17.93 an ounce, the metal hit its lowest level in more than two weeks at $ 17.71 in the previous session.
    Platinum rose 0.6 percent to $ 941.60 an ounce after hitting a more than three weeks at $ 931.85 on Monday.
    The record price difference between gold and platinum the highest level since October 2016 at $ 318.23.
    Palladium fell 0.2 percent to $ 796.75 after it touched him the weakest rate in more than a week at $ 784.72 in the previous session.

    Aonneber exported fuel oil , low - sulfur Europe and Asia from Fujairah
    Energy Trade German company Aonneber increased production of low - sulfur fuel oil in its facility in Fujairah , which began work earlier this year to increase coming from the United Arab Emirates supplies.
    A commercial source , who asked for anonymity said the German company hires at present at least one ship, ship Daytona, for the transfer of low - sulfur fuel oil from Fujairah to Europe.
    Shipping data suggest that Daytona, sailing in the Mediterranean at the present time, carried the cargo on 31 March of Fujairah and up to Gibraltar in the sixteenth of this month.
    There are in the UAE , the second largest center in the world to trade fuel oil and bunker fuel in Fujairah , a major producer of fuel oil but it is often supplied two types of sulfur medium and high. And supplied quantities of these two types is greater than the supply of oil high - quality fuel containing Al ratio of sulfur may be reduced to 0.1 Palmih.omn demand is expected to increase fuel ships low - sulfur after the International Maritime Organization established in October regulations to restrict global sulfur emissions ships at 0.5 percent of the content of the fuel by 2020 , compared with 3.5 percent currently.
    The unit of energy Aonneber recently began operation in Fujairah , about 300 thousand tons per month is scheduled to produce fuel oil containing sulfur by between 0.1 and 0.5 percent.
    A spokesman for Aonneber refused to respond to requests for comment on operations facility in Fujairah.
    Two sources said that separate trade partners are unlikely to be fully functional unit in the light of the current estimates of the volume of fuel oil exports low sulfur from Fujairah.

    London ,
    Saudi Arabia is discussing with major oil companies for investments gas
    Saudi Arabia discussed with international oil companies and private opportunities projects gas inside and outside the Kingdom within the framework of the largest crude exporter , to diversify investment efforts by the inclusion of the giant state energy company Oramku.oukalt four industry sources said Saudi officials discussed investment opportunities with companies including BP and Chevron to contribute to the development of its gas reserves, which is the sixth - largest reserves in the world, at a time when energy demand is booming in Aldakhl.utabat sources that Aramco is also considering investing in gas projects abroad , including projects with Eni Italian.
    And restore these developments to the minds of talks between Aramco and international companies large in the late nineties and early last decade known as the Saudi Gas Initiative. Most of these talks collapsed because of the different parties involved on investment returns.
    But this time Aramco is preparing to list its shares next year , targeting an assessment of up to two trillion dollars in the initial public offering , which may be the largest of its kind in the world.
    He declined to Chevron, BP, Aramco and Eni declined to comment.
    John Watson , chief executive of Chevron , told Reuters last week : "We have an old relationship with Saudi Arabia , it is natural that we are in talks with them. We are in talks about business development constantly. Not in my mind something specific to say about Saudi Arabia."
    In the current year , Bob Dudley , CEO of BP, who visited Saudi Arabia at the end of last year, he did not rule out the establishment of "creative partnerships" with Aramco said , but it is unlikely to pump BP direct investment in the IPO.

      Current date/time is Fri 17 Jan 2025, 11:35 am