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    Found the body of "the first Muslim woman judge" soaked in a river in New York

    Admin Assist
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    Found the body of "the first Muslim woman judge" soaked in a river in New York Empty Found the body of "the first Muslim woman judge" soaked in a river in New York

    Post by Rocky Thu 13 Apr 2017, 2:53 am

    Found the body of "the first Muslim woman judge" soaked in a river in New York

    US police announced on Thursday that they had found a black juror, became the first Muslim woman serving as a judge in the United States, mired in the Hudson River in New York, on Wednesday (12 April / April 2017).
    A spokesman for the police, said Sheila Abdul Salam (65 years), a Supreme Court judge in New York, was found floating off the west side of Manhattan at 1:45 pm EST (1545 GMT).
    Police recovered the body of Abdul Salam in her clothes full of water, and announced her death in the case. The spokesman said that her family met them, and that the cause of death will be determined after an autopsy.
    And it became Abdul Salam, a native of Washington, DC, the first US African-American woman appointed to the courts of appeal, when appointed by Democratic Governor Mario Cuomo in the state Supreme Court in 2013.
    Cuomo said in a statement: "Judge Sheila Abdul Salam was sworn leader, who dedicated her life in the public service so that New York be more equitable and just for all."
    The Encyclopedia of Princeton University political history of the US, Abdul Salam first Muslim woman serving as a judge.
    The New York Post reported, citing unidentified sources as saying, it's been reported absent Abdul Salam from her home in New York earlier on Wednesday, and her family ended attempts to reach them failed.
    The Court of Appeal on the site on the Internet, Abdul Salam, who graduated from the Columbia University Law School, began its work in the legal profession with the Legal Services Co. Foundation in East Brooklyn, and worked to help the Prosecutor for New York State.
    And assumed a series of judicial offices, after her election at the center of the judges in New York City in 1991.
    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277418
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Found the body of "the first Muslim woman judge" soaked in a river in New York Empty The first Muslim woman judge killed by drowning in the United States

    Post by Rocky Thu 13 Apr 2017, 3:48 am

    The first Muslim woman judge killed by drowning in the United States

    Date: 04/13/2017 10:24
    Judge Muslim America

    Information / Baghdad ...

    US police found the body of the first woman judge of African origin holds a position in the resumption of a New York court after a woman told about finding it submerged in the waters of the Hudson River in New York.

    The Web site CNN that "the police recovered the body, which was found to have belonged to Judge Sheila Abdul Salam, aged 65, while police confirmed that the medical team will determine later the cause of death with the continuation of the investigation into the incident."

    He added that "the reasons for the killing of Muslim judge has not yet known death incident came in the same week in which a senior judge in Chicago outside his home last Monday killed authorities have been charged with premeditated murder of a suspect in the case, which was supervised by. Finished / z 25

      Current date/time is Thu 12 Sep 2024, 4:23 pm