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    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan Empty First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan

    Post by Lobo Thu 13 Apr 2017, 12:16 pm

    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan
    Updated 1:02 PM ET, Thu April 13, 2017

    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan 170413123611-us-non-nuclear-bomb-exlarge-169

    US drops 'mother of all bombs' 01:45

    Story highlights

    • The MOAB is known as the 'mother of all bombs'
    • The target was ISIS tunnels and personnel

    Washington (CNN)The US military has dropped an enormous bomb in Afghanistan, according to four US military officials with direct knowledge of the mission.
    A GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb, nicknamed MOAB, was dropped at 7 p.m. local time Thursday, the sources said.
    The MOAB is also known as the "mother of all bombs." A MOAB is a 21,600-pound, GPS-guided munition that is America's most powerful non-nuclear bomb.
    The bomb was dropped by an MC-130 aircraft, operated by Air Force Special Operations Command, according to the military sources.
    They said the target was an ISIS tunnel and cave complex as well as personnel in the Achin district of the Nangarhar province.
    The military is currently assessing the damage. Gen. John Nicholson, commander of US forces in Afghanistan, signed off on the use of the bomb, according to the sources. Authority had to be sought from Gen. Joseph Votel, commander of US Central Command.
    This is the first time a MOAB has been used in the battlefield, according to the US officials. This munition was developed during the Iraq War.
    Dedicated Investor
    Dedicated Investor

    Posts : 221
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan Empty Trump Uses Nukes: in Afghanistan

    Post by ksp Thu 13 Apr 2017, 5:36 pm

    Take time to watch the Dr. Doug Rokke video

    Trump Uses Nukes: VT Teams Rush to Site of Nuclear Bunker Buster in Afghanistan

    By GPD on April 13, 2017

    Will collect soil samples, witness statements as Trump's professed love of nukes becomes a reality

    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan ScreenHunter_1338-Apr.-13-13.34-640x565
    Trump’s first use of nuclear weapons, soon to be unleashed on Syria Arab Army, according to NSC sources:
    For those within 15 miles of the blast area or downwind:  Please remove yourself from the area for 72 hours or up to 2 weeks.  Bring no food or water, wash throughly, wash clothing in water from well outside the blast area.  Wear a dust mask  More information to come:
    Control of the press and the puppet government in Kabul makes this possible.  Afghanistan has become a testing ground for nuclear, biological and chemical weapons by the United States.
    This is the cover story, one America has used over and over, first its fuel-air bombs or “daisy-cutters” and now the MOAB, a weapon Trump would never touch as nuking Afghanistan is an old neocon play used many times.  Our investigations in Afghanistan have revealed the nuclear poisoning of that country from not only indiscriminate use of semi-depleted uranium munitions but the use, on at least 8 occasions, of tactical nuclear weapons.  This is the cover story:
    The US military has dropped the largest non-nuclear bomb in the American arsenal on an area of eastern Afghanistan known to be populated by Daesh (ISIL) terrorists, according to the US Defense Department.
    A GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb (MOAB), also known as the “mother of all bombs,” was dropped at 7 pm local time Thursday, the Pentagon confirmed.
    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan Fbda0c9a-db2d-4a60-8939-c618498152fa
    The Pentagon confirmed the strike was the first time the enormous bomb had been used in combat.
    Now hear the truth from Press TV 2012

    US Used Micro Nukes in Afghanistan and Iraq Wars:  An interview with Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today


    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan ScreenHunter_485-Aug.-07-21.25

    …the US has produced approximately 600 micro nukes, some of them smaller than a soccer ball, with the capability as low as a single ton of TNT dialable up to 40 tons of TNT. There is evidence that those weapons have been used in Iraq and Afghanistan. Studies have found uranium 235 to be in the bodies of the population there.”
    The United States’ use of powerful genetic weapons such as depleted uranium on the battle field is in violation of every conceivable international law, says an analyst.
    Depleted uranium has a half-life of 4.5 billion years and has thus earned the title “The silent killer that will never stop killing”.
    Shells, bombs and cruise missiles tipped with depleted uranium and tungsten easily pierce through heavy armor and fortifications. Air, water and soil are also contaminated when such weapons are used.
    Dr. Doug Rokke, the ex-director of the Pentagon’s Depleted Uranium Project, says there is no way to totally decontaminate an area hit with uranium. (Editor:  Comprehensive video from 2002, demonstrating our decade plus DU cover up.  Please forward and watch as much as possible.)

    YouTube – Veterans Today –
    Serious long-term health problems caused by the use of depleted uranium in bombs can range from cancer to leukemia and genetic mutations.
    The United Nations has prohibited the manufacture, testing, use, sale and stockpiling of depleted uranium weapons.
    The US dropped thousands of depleted uranium bombs on the Iraq city of Fallujah in 2003, which killed thousands of people.
    A great proportion of all births in Fallujah since the strike have suffered from abnormalities and the rate of mutation among newborns is higher than what was found in Japan after America attacked the Asian country during the Second World War.
    Press TV has conducted an interview with senior editor of Veterans Today (VT) website, Gordon Duff, to further discuss the issue.
    The video also offers the opinions of two other guests: political analyst and writer Linh Dinh, and peace activist Max Obuszewksi.
    The following is a rough transcription of the interview.
    Press TV: Gordon Duff, when we are speaking about the reasons why not a single country has gotten rid of its nuclear weapons, some people are saying this is about nuclear superiority, a kind of deterrence as our guest Linh Dinh there was saying as well, the issue of guaranteeing the security of a nation when it comes to how officials describe it. Basically what do you think are the reasons and could you say that there is any strategic value in keeping nuclear weapons?
    Duff: Well there are a couple of different levels to look at this. We left two nations out, Pakistan and India, and they are of the highest risk of nuclear war than any two nations on earth.Most people don’t know that since 1982 Brazil has held between ten and twenty nuclear weapons that they have developed.
    Japan has an interim nuclear capability in that they are sitting on tons of enriched uranium at a facility in a…prefecture…and bombs that are ready to assemble but not assembled.
    They have decided though that they have the capability not to exercise that capability, which is in interim standing, that some have suggested would be a position that they could live with involving Iran.
    The issue that is brought up by a previous speaker, however, is that we have thoroughly seen in the last year that nuclear power itself can be as harmful as nuclear weapons.
    That although nuclear weapons supposedly have secured peace through mutual assured destruction, every nuclear facility in the world leaks radiation and the nuclear industry is so powerful it suppresses bad news.
    Press TV: Gordon Duff, a lot of people have been saying the United States has been spending so much, hundreds of billions of dollars to maintain its nuclear arsenal, to repair them, to produce new nuclear weapons, we’re asking is it worth it?
    We’re hearing some generals in the air force, elsewhere, even in the nuclear industry, saying that the cost of maintaining these stockpiles that are not even used, are not even on the alert status, is just too expensive now for the United States?
    Duff: Well, there is an additional issue that people that don’t work in the defense industry aren’t unaware of, but the US has produced approximately 600 micro nukes, some of them smaller than a soccer ball, with the capability as low as a single ton of TNT dialable up to 40 tons of TNT.
    There is evidence that those weapons have been used in Iraq and Afghanistan. Studies have found uranium 235 to be in the bodies of the population there.
    Plus, of course, you have to count depleted uranium munitions as a form of nuclear weapons. We have used thousands of tons of these munitions which have long-term health effects on the entire planet, have raised the radiation levels of the entire Middle East and spreading much further than that.
    This problem runs much further than guessed. Our nuclear technology has allowed tactical nuclear weapons to become not only so commonly used but they are now being used in place of conventional weapons because new tactical nukes leave no residual radiation that can be detected by conventional Geiger counters.
    I have that information from individuals who worked in our research labs. We have used those weapons on countries in the last few years.
    Press TV:  Gordon Duff in Ohio, would you say that we are not going to see any serious move towards nuclear disarmament in spite of the hopes that people express in Japan on this 67th anniversary of the Hiroshima, Nagasaki bombings?
    Duff:  Well, I think one of the things — and this is an issue I would put to the Japanese people — if they would correct their own history books which are as edited and inaccurate as those of Israel or the United States. Japan exploded its first nuclear weapon August 5th, 1945.
    The uranium that was used on Hiroshima was from Sweden. It was being shipped to Japan and it was intercepted by the US. It was planned by the Japanese to be used at a nuclear attack on San Francisco. Japan had a very advanced nuclear weapons program at World War II, far more advanced than Germany.
    (Press TV Interview, August 7,2012 on US Military Hospitals in Afghanistan)

    YouTube – Veterans Today –
    They have erased that from their own history. So they’re learning lessons but they’re learning lessons where they’re not taking responsibility for their own full complicity in what has gone on.
    They were as involved in nuclear weapons as the United States was and they only missed by days of being the first one to use nuclear weapons.
    Japan’s policy was to attack the US. Now they just erased that from their own history.
    The issue was brought up earlier about depleted uranium and genocide is a critical issue because depleted uranium isn’t just from the Apache helicopter.
    We have 50 different munitions using depleted uranium and it is a powerful genetic weapon. It is being sold needlessly as a profiteering move as waste products by the nuclear power industry and their powerful lobby within the United States.
    These weapons have no place on the battle field and they’re a violation of every imaginable international law.

    by Ian Greenhalgh with Jeff Smith

    We are now at the fifth generation of nuclear weapons design which means that a number of different types of nuclear weapon exist and they differ substantially in effect from the weapons we are familiar with from all those 1950s newsreels of huge atomic blasts.
    Modern 5th gen weapons are often of much lower yield than the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs with yields of less than 1 kiloton (1000 tonnes of TNT equivalent). They also have different manners of explosion – instead of one big bang they can have much longer burn times producing visual effects that look quite different.
    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan Micronuke-test
    A micronuke test on a small trailer showing just how small these 5th gen types can be.
    This is why it is important to learn a little about these new weapons types and how their explosions would appear visually as it will better enable the identification of nuclear events in future; allowing people to discern between the explosion of a warehouse full of rocket fuel and a nuclear explosion.
    Make no mistake, we have entered into a dangerous new age where the use of these advanced low yield nuclear weapons will become increasingly commonplace; therefore we all need to become better informed about these weapons so it becomes harder to use them covertly to commit acts of terrorism.

    The uranium hydride bomb is a variant design of the atomic bomb first proposed as far back as 1939. It uses deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen, to act as a neutron moderator in a U235 based implosion weapon. The neutron chain reaction is a slow nuclear fission process vs a fast fission process. Due to the use of slower moving neutrons the bombs total explosive power is adversely affected by the thermal cooling of neutrons since it delays the neutron multiplication factor or Alpha production rate. Two uranium hydride bombs are known to have been tested back in the 1950’s,the Ruth and Ray test explosions in Operation Upshot-Knothole, 1956. The tests produced a yield comparable to about 200 ton of TNT or more each. However both tests were considered to be fizzle yields at the time. Since the trend was for weapons with a bigger bang, the technology was shelved for over 20 years.
    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan Operation_Upshot-Knothole_-_Badger_001-640x544
    Operation Upshot-Knothole test explosion in the Nevada Desert.
    In a delayed or slow fission nuclear weapon design the hydrogen deuterides in the form of  uranium hydride (UH3) or plutonium hydride (PUH3) moderates (slows) the neutrons, thereby increasing the neutron cross section for neutron absorption. The result is a much lower required critical mass,and thus a smaller weapon thereby reducing the amount of U235 or plutonium PU239 needed for an explosion. The result in the original 1956 design was that the slower neutrons delayed the reaction time too much and reduced the efficiency of the weapon. Its effect was to increased the time between subsequent neutron generation events that are necessary for a rapid explosion and it creates a problem in the containment of the explosion; the inertia that is used to confine implosion type bombs will not be able to confine all of the reaction in time. The end result is a lower yield fizzle blast with a very long burn time instead of a big bang. The predicted energy yield would be in the order of 1kt or 1000 tons TNT up to 5 kt equivalent instead of a standard 20 kt blast for the same amount of fissile material used.
    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan Critical_mass.svg_-314x640
    In a classical nuclear weapon design a critical mass is supposed to go more or less instantly into an explosion. However if half the critical mass, of U235 or U239 is undergoing delayed or moderated fission the process will continue so long as Alpha gain (neutron production) is positive. With huge numbers of atoms involved, even if there isn’t enough for a prompted explosion; There will always be enough energy given off as Bremsstrahlung radiation and the whole thing should get ‘burning hot’ before it detonates. Unburnt deuterium fuel will then be consumed by the fireball as neutron or Alpha production slowly decays. This is done by reducing the size of the critical mass by adding a mixture of Lithium6 and Deuterium hydrates to the core before it undergoes compression. The end result is what used to be called a fizzle yield. So instead of a 20KT blast you would only get about a 5KT blast but a much longer plasma fireball burn time.
    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan Two-point-implosion-471x640
    The Uranium Deuteride design is a hydride type device, which relies on moderated fission (UH3 or UD3) rather than fast fission. The hydride designs work well but their slow fission process due to the use of moderated fission reactions is extremely limiting to their yield. This meas a much lower blast yield but a very long plasma burn time. If the purpose of the weapon is a very small yield with a very long thermal burn time. I.E. a nuclear thermobaric weapon with a limited yield of less than 5 to 6 kt and a maximum blast radius damage of less than 1 mile with little fallout; Then this is the weapon of choice.
    In a slow burn nuclear weapon over 75% or more of the energy is now released as thermal and neutron radiation instead of a shock wave blast. It starts out as a very small fireball that quickly grows in size until full detonation level is achieved at about the 200 to 300 ton level. Then you get the classical explosion (the flash) and blast wave from the rapidly expanding fire ball. After the massive explosion, the fireball  continues to burn and consume its unburnt nuclear fuel that is now in a fully plasmatized state. The nuclear fuel in a plasma form will continue to burn at a slower and slower rate until the alpha or neutron production goes to zero.
    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan Gun-asembly
    In the newer moderated weapon designs. The heat of the fission reaction produces fusion of the hydrogen isotopes surrounding the pit. Thus releasing a second burst of neutrons. This causes even more uranium atoms to fission, creating a much larger nuclear chain reaction that doubles the yield of the weapon with only a small percent of the total energy released being contributed by the original fission reaction. Bremsstrahlung radiation emitted from the plasma fireball is also called free / free radiation. This refers to the fact that the radiation is created by the charged particles that are set free both before and after the explosion that produced there emissions.
    Pre-initiation is only a problem in the older WW2 era solid core devices (fatman) with a high pure fission yield because it is only in these types of bombs that you have an intrinsic disassembly limited time yield, and thus the requirement that a very high “alpha” (neutron multiplication rate) exist at disassembly time. Alpha ramps up as implosion proceeds, and if you integrate the neutron multiplication rate over the implosion time you find that in a high yield pure fission device the total number of doubling intervals that occur between criticality and full assembly is a large number, over 80 to 100 or more, while the number required to generate enough energy to disassemble the bomb at full yield is only about 80. This is why disassembly in the older solid core weapon designs is a problem; Any neutrons introduced in the first 20 doubling intervals will cause disassembly before maximum criticality of 80 doublings or shakes can occur. A “shake” is basically one doubling of a neutron generation.
    However, in a modern boosted weapon the pure fission yield is only about 300 tons with boosting kicking in around 200 tons, and the total number of integrated doubling intervals between criticality and full criticality is less than the number of intervals required to take one neutron generation (a shake) up to the population level required to produce a full 200 ton boosted yield. This means that not only is pre-detonation not a problem in a modern boosted weapon design, but you can design the bomb in such a way that you actually have to inject a large number of neutrons into it to get it to explode at full yield. This is called a subcritical device and it is the basis of all mini or micro nukes operation.

    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan W-30-640x381
    W-30 boosted warhead design
    Boosting requires millions of neutrons to flood the fissile core very rapidly with  lots of heat and compression needed. But if you’re requirements are much more modest, (only a few kilotons or less) then just a small amount of neutrons are only needed to spark a single fission chain reaction. Then the quantity of fusion generated with a spherical shock implosion from an HE shell can produce enough fission to start the fusion chain reaction. The purpose of the deuterium hydrates is to act as a moderator for the neutrons, which will allow a much smaller quantity of fissile material to be used for a given critical mass. Unfortunately, moderating implies slowing of the blast detonation sequence, just what you don’t want in a big device. That’s why they fizzle. But for a small device it will work just fine. IE a micro-nuke.
    The main benefit of using a moderator in a neutron bomb is that the amount of fissile material needed to reach criticality is greatly reduced. The slowing of fast neutrons will increase the total cross section for neutron absorption, thus greatly reducing the critical mass and allowing for a much smaller amount of fissile material to be used in a weapon.  A side effect of this is that as the chain reaction progresses, the moderator will be heated, losing its ability to properly control the neutrons velocity. Another effect of moderation is that as  the time between subsequent neutron generations is increased, Alpha is slowed down thus slowing down the total reaction time. Producing a lower yield. This makes the containment of the explosion a problem; the inertia that is used to originally confine the implosion will not be able to hold the reaction together long enough. The end result will be a lower fizzle yield instead of a big bang. The explosive power of a fully moderated explosion is thus limited, at worst it may be equal to a chemical explosive of similar mass and at best about 6kt in yield.
    Quoting Heisenberg:
    “One can never make an efficient explosive weapon with slow neutrons alone because the neutrons will only move at thermal speeds, with the result being, that the reaction is so slow that the weapon explodes (disassembles) before the reaction is complete.”
    While a nuclear bomb working only on thermal neutron expansion alone may be impractical, modern weapons designs still benefit from some level of moderation. A beryllium tamper used as a neutron reflector also act as a moderator slowing neutron production in boasted weapons. If the expansion rate of the neutrons can be properly regulated to a compromising velocity then a small neutron device will work very well based on this principal. With the effect of producing a slow burning nuclear thermobaric weapon with a massive heating effect and a very small blast effect. This is then basically an enhanced radiation weapon of a 5th generation design. Also called a mini or micro nuke.
    The concept of pre initiation problems is only an issue with the old style WW2 era (1945) (fatman) solid core pure implosion PU based weapons. Boosted weapons or neutron moderated weapons along with gun implosion uranium based weapons do not have this problem. There is a major misconception amongst the general public as to how these weapons really work. Modern weapons do not have this pre detonation problem and virtually any fissile PU or HEU material over 80% pure will work. And if you want a really slow burn with low fallout and limited blast damage range, then a moderate or slow burn neutron bomb works best.
    By simply re-manufacturing the already built and paid for 6,000 plus military surplus pits that the US government has in long term 100 year storage. These weapons could easely be produced so cheaply that they would make all future long range maned bomber designs obsolete. Rember 1 kiloton of nuclear energy is equal to about 20, B-52 Vietnam era bomb loads. At a cost of over 100 million dollars per bomber. Do the math. Which one is cheaper a single 1 kt nuke weighing less than 1,000 lbs sent by a cruse missile, or dropped by an F-16; or twenty B-52 bombers costing over 2 billion dollars doing the same thing with conventional TNT based explosives.
    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan Blast15
    Blast crater in Tianjin, China.
    In the “High-Impact Terrorism: Proceedings of a Russian-American Workshop (2002)”, The National Academies Press, stated that the average citizen had very little actual knowledge about how nuclear weapons work and that during a planned terrorism attack, these misconceptions would be greatly preyed upon by the terrorists in order to produce a general sense of panic so needed in order to disrupt our system of government.
    This is a list of some of the most common misconceptions about nuclear weapons use:

    • “There was no significant fallout in the vicinity of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. All radiation injuries were a result of immediate (first 1 minute) radiation.” True.
    • “The only cases of significant fallout exposure as of 1964 to individuals, was in the Marshall Islands after a U.S. test. The short term effects were skin ‘burns’. As of 1964, no long term effects were known, although a slight excess cancer rate would be expected based on modern knowledge.” True.
    • “Almost all radioactivity in fallout – even in a ground burst – comes from the fission products themselves or transmutation of parts of the weapon. Thus air bursts and ground bursts produce approximately the same amount of radioactive products. However, ground bursts cause much more of the radioactive debris to be deposited within a fallout pattern, rather than distributed (and accordingly diluted and decayed) across the entire planet.” True.
    • “The blast effect is primarily determined by the “overpressure” – given in English units in PSI. A human being can withstand up to about 35PSI of peak overpressure from a nuclear blast (1% fatality rate). Your distance may vary. Thus a human will almost always survive the blast overpressure at approximately the following distances (slant range) from a blast according to the following table”: when we extrapolate these statistics, we see that the news reports from other blasts are consistent with these scientific data. True.

    Our calculations tell us that these so called terrorist blasts are probably small tactical nuclear warheads in the vicinity of 0.01 kilotons and up to 5 KT or slightly larger in size. All the reported facts from these blasts indicate an exceedingly small nuclear warhead was used that is now being passed off as a large conventional explosive that ignited propane gas cylinders. But the reported facts of the blasts are consistent with our calculations produced by such a small nuclear explosion.
    Any blast crater that is larger than 6 feet wide requires more than 4,000 lbs of TNT to make it. 16,000 lbs of TNT will only make a 10 foot wide crater. So when you see a  60 or a 100 foot wide crater that’s too big to be caused by conventional explosives and when you see a flash that is brighter than the sun followed by a ever expanding and rising fireball. Thats a nuke. Everything else is just a secondary explosion going off .
                   In any explosion. There are 3 types of explosions to be considered.
               1. A molecular mater based explosion such as TNT: Producing a dark black cloud of dust and a single point of detonation throwing up a lots of dirt and producing a strong shock wave. Multiple secondary explosions can be involved. Coats everything with a dry black powder residue.
               2. A vapor or fuel air / dust explosion: Producing a very large red and orange fireball. May have multipoint ignition sources from exploding fuel or gas /propane tanks. It also leaves an oil residue on every thing from unburnt hydrocarbon fuel residue.
               3. A nuclear blast explosion: Producing a single point explosion with a very bright white flash that is spherical in shape. Followed by a rising fire ball and a mushroom dust cloud. Then a delayed shock wave. It leaves behind lots of very fine white or gray ash / powder residue and many chunks of dirt or pulverized cement and melted metal.
                 In the case of the recent China blasts, all three types of explosions were used by the offenders. With the first conventional explosion masking the second larger nuclear explosion, followed by the third massive fuel air vapor explosion being set off by the nuke to mask it use, with the ever burning hot plasma fireball turning everything into white ash. The overpressure collapsing the cars roofs  and blowing out the glass. Thermal radiation vaporizing the car tires and glass that was then ashed with the radiation effects melting and toasting the cars at over 2,000 degrees centigrade. The massive 400 foot wide crater being created from the overpressure blast of the nuclear weapon estimated to be between 1.4 and 2.8 Kt in size. The fracture zone around the crater proving that it was a low altitude surface burst and the soil debris extracted from the crater floor being deposited all over the place looking like big chunks of dirt clods. If you have ever seen photographs of a neutron bomb test this is exactly what it looks like.
    Surface Crater
    In the case of near-surface, surface, and shallow sub-surface bursts, the fireball’s interaction with the ground causes it to engulf much of the soil and rock within its radius and remove that material as it moves upward. This removal of material results in the formation of a crater. A near-surface burst would produce a small, shallow crater. The crater from a surface burst with the same yield would be larger and deeper; crater size is maximized with a shallow sub-surface burst at the optimum depth. The size of the crater is a function of the yield of the detonation, the depth of burial, and the type of soil or rock.
    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan 1kt-crater-size
    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan Cratersize1

    Where have we seen this effect used before?
    In clandestine terrorist attacks but unrecognized by the general public due to their misunderstanding of nuclear weapons effects and the many modes available that can be used by the clandestine attacker.

    A. Bali

    The 2002 Bali bombings occurred on 12 October 2002 in the tourist district of Kuta on the Indonesian island of Bali. The attack killed 202 people (including 88 Australians, 38 Indonesians, and people from more than 20 other nationalities). A further 209 people were injured.
    Various members of Jemaah Islamiyah, a violent Islamist group, were convicted in relation to the bombings, including three individuals who were sentenced to death. The attack involved the detonation of three bombs: a backpack-mounted device carried by a suicide bomber; a large car bomb, both of which were detonated in or near popular nightclubs in Kuta; and a third much smaller device detonated outside the United States consulate in Denpasar, causing only minor damage. An audio-cassette purportedly carrying a recorded voice message from Osama Bin Laden stated that the Bali bombings were in direct retaliation for support of the United States’ war on terror and Australia’s role in the liberation of East Timor.
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    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan Bali2
    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan Bali3-640x268

    B. Khobar towers

    The Khobar Towers bombing was a terrorist attack on part of a housing complex in the city of Khobar, Saudi Arabia, located near the national oil company (Saudi Aramco) headquarters of Dhahran on June 25, 1996. At that time Khobar Towers was being used as quarters for foreign military personnel.
    A truck-bomb was detonated adjacent to Building #131, an eight-story structure housing United States Air Force personnel from the 4404th Wing (Provisional), primarily from a deployed rescue squadron and deployed fighter squadron. In all, 19 U.S. servicemen were killed and 498 of many nationalities were wounded. Although al-Qaeda has been described by some sources as the likely culprit, the official June 25, 1996 statement by the United States named members of Hezbollah Al-Hejaz (English: Party of God in the Hijaz) as responsible. In 2006, a U.S. court found Iran and Hezbollah guilty of orchestrating the attack.
    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan Khobar_towers1-640x420
    The crater in front of Building #131 of the Khobar Towers.
    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan Okc_and_kobar_towers
    Comparison of the damage in Khobar and OK City.

    C. Lebanon – US Embassy in Beirut

    The April 18, 1983 United States embassy bombing was a suicide bombing in Beirut, Lebanon, that killed 63 people, mostly embassy and CIA staff members, several soldiers and one Marine. 17 of the dead were Americans. Of the Americans killed, eight worked for the Central Intelligence Agency, including the CIA’s top Middle East analyst and Near East director, Robert C. Ames, Station Chief Kenneth Haas and most of the Beirut staff of the CIA.
    It was the deadliest attack on a U.S. diplomatic mission up to that time, and is thought of as marking the beginning of anti-U.S. attacks by Islamist groups. The attack came in the wake of the intervention of a Multinational Force, made up of Western countries, including the U.S., in the Lebanese Civil War, to try to restore order and central government authority.
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    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan BombenanschlagUS-BotschaftBeirut-640x424
    The damage done to the embassy building.

    D. Oklahoma City

    The Oklahoma City bombing was a domestic terrorist bomb attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. Carried out by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, the bombing killed 168 people and injured more than 680 others. The blast destroyed or damaged 324 buildings within a 16-block radius, destroyed or burned 86 cars, and shattered glass in 258 nearby buildings, causing an estimated $652 million worth of damage.
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    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan
    The Alfred Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City after a car bomb ripped through it Wednesday, April 19, 1995. (AP Photo)  Note the toasted cars bottom right.

    E. 911

    You will find not a single word in the mainstream media about the nuclear nature of 9-11. However, here at VT we have published a large number of articles that detail every aspect of this most heinous crime.
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    Toasted cars burned out by radiation.
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    Two thirds of the million tonnes of concrete and steel was vapourised to spread out over Manhattan as a vast dust cloud.
    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan GJS-WTC105_toasted-640x480
    Toasted cars covered in a blanket of dust that was once WTC 1 and 2.
    F. Ukraine
    Again, the MSM will never mention this incident in August 2014 was nuclear but VT published the truth; a missile strike with a nuclear warhead:
    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan Donetsk-Massive-Missile-Attack-640x356
    White hot plasma ball followed by a classical mushroom cloud – this was an air-burst nuke.
    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan 1457479_original-640x337
    A mushroom cloud rises over Donetsk.
    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan 20140920_ukrainenukes4
    The MSM called this a conventional explosion.

    G. Afghanistan – 2002, attacking the Tora Bora caves

    Just as “Little Boy” and “Fat Man” were rushed to the Pacific Theater in time to be tested on the starving Japanese citizenry before the emperor’s surrender pleas leaked to the press, the nuclear version of the bunker-busting GBU-28 was rushed to Afghanistan to conduct remote field tests before the Taliban surrendered.
    The nuclear version of the GBU-28 bunker buster is the B61-11. When American forces targeted Tora Bora in 2001, there were 150 B61-11s in the U.S. arsenal. Featuring nuclear warheads that could be dialed from 0.3 to 340 kilotons – equivalent of 300 to 340,000 tons of radioactive TNT – these new Earth Penetrating Weapons were, according to atomic scientists, capable of “destroying the deepest and most hardened of underground bunkers, which the conventional warheads are not capable of doing.” [Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists May/June 1997; Wired Oct 8/01]
    According to sources, under the cover of massive DU-tipped bombs that raised dirty mushroom clouds in thunderous explosions that rained radioactive dust over Jalalabad and nearby villages, the first nuclear bombs dropped since Basra in 1991 were detonated by American forces in Afghanistan beginning in March 2002. Before their field tests were concluded, United States forces would explode four 5-kiloton GBU-400 nuclear bombs in Tora Bora and other mountainous regions of Afghanistan. .

    H. Iraq – Basra, 1991

    According to U.S. military sources, the first detonation of a nuclear weapon against another country since 1945 took place approximately 11 miles east of Basra, sometime between February 2 and February 5, 1991.
    By then, Iraq’s former capitol had been declared a “free fire zone” – open to carpet-bombing by high-flying formations of eight-engine B-52s. “Basra is a military town in the true sense,” military spokesman General Richard Neal told the press. “The infrastructure, military infrastructure, is closely interwoven within the city of Basra itself.”
    Though the soon-to-be fired General Neal claimed there were no civilians left in Basra, the city was actually sheltering some 800,000 terrified residents. In direct violation of Article 51 of the Geneva Protocols, which prohibits area bombing, the B-52s commenced saturation grid-bombing of the city. Mixing fuel-air bombs with shrapnel-spraying cluster bombs, the bombers leveled entire city blocks, the Los Angeles Times reported, leaving “bomb craters the size of football fields, and an untold number of casualties.” [Washington Post Feb 2/91; Los Angeles Times Feb 5/91]
    With the city of Basra resounding to gigantic explosions, and engulfed in “a hellish nighttime of fires and smoke so dense that witnesses say the sun hasn’t been clearly visible for several days at a time,” a 5-kiloton GB-400 nuclear bomb exploding 11 miles away under the desert attracted no notice. [; Los Angeles Times Feb 5/91]

    I. Pakistan – Islamabad Marriot Hotel Bombing

    The Islamabad Marriott Hotel bombing occurred during the night of 20 September 2008, when a dump truck filled with explosives detonated in front of the Marriott Hotel in the Pakistani capital Islamabad, killing at least 54 people, injuring at least 266 and leaving a 60 ft (20 m) wide, 20 ft (6 m) deep crater outside the hotel. The majority of the casualties were Pakistanis; although at least five foreign nationals were killed and fifteen others reported injured. The attack occurred mere hours after President Asif Ali Zardari made his first speech to the Pakistani parliament. The Marriott hotel was the most prestigious hotel in the capital, located near government buildings, diplomatic missions, embassies and high commissions.
    During the investigation, three suspected terrorists were arrested by the Pakistani police. They were suspected of having facilitated the suicide bomber. However later they were acquitted of all charges as no evidence was ever presented against them.
    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan Maroit_hotel_2
    Toasted cars outside the burning Marriot.
    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan Maroit_hotel_pakistan
    The substantial blast crater in front of the Marriot.
    J. Yemen
    May 2015, outskirts of San’a. Another incident ignored by the MSM but we at VT broke the story :
    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan 1249899508746738533
    White hot ball of plasma rising from the explosion on the outskirts of San’a.
    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan Big-640x342
    The explosion seen from a distance, seconds later. The plasma ball has largely dispersed to be replaced by a mushroom cloud.
    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan Fff_137-640x460
    A much closer view. Classic mushroom cloud with yellow plasma rising from the site of the explosion.

    K. China

    Tianjin was hit first and we at VT were the only ones who told you the truth. Two more strikes against Dongying and Zibo have taken place, which we will be reporting on in the coming days.
    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan Blast-area-640x354
    Ground zero in Tianjin – the blast crater and damage caused by the fireball are blatant.
    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan Fff_972-640x477
    Close to Ground Zero in Tianjin. Sadly, these policemen and firefighters will probably suffer the same cancers as their brethren in NYC in the wake of 9-11.
    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan Tianjin-explosion-2-640x359
    Tianjin explosion from several kilometres distance, the yellow plasma ball is still visible as the mushroom cloud begins to form.

    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan Airblastdamage
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    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan Cratersize
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    Join date : 2013-01-16

    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan Empty Re: First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan

    Post by ahill Fri 14 Apr 2017, 12:20 am

    Thanks Lobo and ksp,

    Informative read along with pictures.  Great!


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    First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan Empty Re: First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan

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