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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iraq resumes next Friday talks with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank

    Admin Assist
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    Iraq resumes next Friday talks with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Empty Iraq resumes next Friday talks with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank

    Post by Rocky Sat 15 Apr 2017, 11:40 am

    Iraq resumes next Friday talks with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank

    2017/04/15 | 19:31
    (Encyclopedia of this Day News | Iraq News ) - Economy News - Baghdad: The Iraqi delegation headed by the Minister of Finance begins Agency Abdul Razzaq Al - Issa, next Friday in Washington discussions with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to review the readiness credit agreement , which included lending Iraq $ 5.4 billion to fill deficit in the fiscal budget.

    A source in the Iraqi government refused to disclose his name to the economy News, that an Iraqi delegation headed by the Minister of Finance Agency Abdul Razzaq al- Issa will go to the American city of Washington this week to discuss the readiness of credit signed by Iraq in the general agreement in 2015, noting that the delegation will begin its meetings with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank on Friday , the next day on April 21 and lasts for three days.

    The source said that the delegation and the Minister of Finance Agency Abdul Razzaq al- Issa and Central Bank Governor Ali Keywords Financial Advisor to the Prime Minister includes the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, and officials from the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Oil and the Ministry of Planning and Oil Marketing Company SOMO, and the device of the Central Bureau of Statistics, the Central Bank of Iraq, and representatives the Kurdistan Regional Government, and the Office of financial supervision.

    The Iraqi delegation held with the International Monetary Fund experts discussions in Amman during the period from 5 to 17 March 2017 on Article IV in 2017 consultations, and review the second agreement to prepare the credit SBA with Iraq, amounting to a 36 - month, which was approved by the Executive Board of the IMF international on July 7 , 2016.

    It aims to prepare the credit agreement to correct the fiscal balance and the balance of the external position, and improving public financial management, while protecting social spending.

    The first review was complete under the standby credit agreement on 5 December 2016.

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    Posts : 28411
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    Iraq resumes next Friday talks with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Empty Re: Iraq resumes next Friday talks with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank

    Post by Lobo Sat 15 Apr 2017, 12:37 pm

    Are we waiting on this for the RV, I know Mosul is about done, at least I am praying it is.  Duck hasn't said anything about this that I recall.  Does anyone have information that can be shared?
    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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    Iraq resumes next Friday talks with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Empty Re: Iraq resumes next Friday talks with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank

    Post by Screwball Sat 15 Apr 2017, 4:42 pm

    Not sure asked sassy the same thing....not sure of,importance
    Admin Assist
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    Iraq resumes next Friday talks with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Empty Iraq will resume its discussions with the IMF to get $ 840 million

    Post by Rocky Sun 16 Apr 2017, 9:47 am

    Iraq will resume its discussions with the IMF to get $ 840 million

    Date: 04/16/2017 12:29

    Information / Baghdad ..

    It announced the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, an economic adviser to Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Sunday, for the resumption of Iraq's discussions with the International Anakz Fund next Friday to review the readiness credit agreement, which includes lending Iraq $ 5.4 billion, likely to launch the amount of $ 840 million by next June.

    Saleh said in a statement / information /, "The Iraqi delegation headed by the Minister of Finance Agency Abdul Razzaq al-Issa will travel to Washington DC this week to discuss the readiness of credit agreement signed by Iraq in 2015, which includes lending to Iraq 5.4 Milirdolar," noting that "Iraq received until now billion and a quarter billion dollars. "

    Saleh explained that "the delegation will start its meetings with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank on Friday and up to three days," likely that "the launch of an amount of $ 840 million by next June."

    The source added that "the delegation includes in addition to Alissa Central Bank Governor Ali Keywords and officials from the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Oil and the Ministry of Planning and Oil Marketing Company (SOMO), the Central Bureau of Statistics and the Office of Financial Supervision, as well as representatives from the Kurdistan Regional Government." Finished / 25

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    Iraq resumes next Friday talks with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Empty Re: Iraq resumes next Friday talks with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank

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