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    Global Press: New York Times: Bomb Afghanistan carrying a message to our opponents in Syria and Nor

    Admin Assist
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     Global Press: New York Times: Bomb Afghanistan carrying a message to our opponents in Syria and Nor Empty Global Press: New York Times: Bomb Afghanistan carrying a message to our opponents in Syria and Nor

    Post by Rocky Sun 16 Apr 2017, 2:18 am

    Global Press: New York Times: Bomb Afghanistan carrying a message to our opponents in Syria and North Korea

    "New York Times," the American said, the huge bomb that the United States dropped by the militants of the "Daesh" terrorist in Afghanistan was huge, the largest conventional weapon in America's arsenal, but the message carried dropped was greater, whether intentional or not. the newspaper pointed out in a report, that for potential adversaries, such as Syria and North Korea, the bombing could be a deterrent for them, and for the American people, it highlights the Pentagon's most powerful position, under President Donald Trump's management, compared to predecessor Barack Oobama.obhsp report of the "New York Times" the Astkhadd Or "mother of bombs," also explains how it frees military leaders from the restrictions imposed by the "Obama" on the use of force, and how the commander of US forces in Afghanistan, General John Nicholson, was to counter existing threats in Ofganstan.ozhpt the paper seeks to say that the dumping or bombs represents special challenges, as it can blur everything in a radius of 1000-yard circle, containing 19 thousand pounds of explosives, and in Afghanistan, in the rural and agricultural economy, civilians who are involved in food collection or cutting trees, they are mostly beside armed gatherings, Hence the explosion of this magnitude can be dangerous Those are far from the center of the target civilians, US officials say it is for this reason, "Obama" administration did not think of using this bomb before.

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