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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Lukoil end seismic survey in the West Qurna field - 2 - in Iraq

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Lukoil end seismic survey in the West Qurna field - 2 - in Iraq Empty Lukoil end seismic survey in the West Qurna field - 2 - in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Mon 17 Apr 2017, 1:38 am

    Lukoil end seismic survey in the West Qurna field - 2 - in Iraq

     Baghdad / term

    Lukoil , the Russian company revealed in a statement yesterday completed the seismic survey site a three - dimensional field of West Qurna - 2 in Iraq completed its obligations according to the contract with the Iraqi Oil Ministry.
    The seismic survey included a patch over an area as much as 450 square kilometers , or approximately 174 square miles.
    According to the company statement, the information derived from the seismic detection is necessary to update the information about the nature of the geological structure of the field for the discovered and future prospects of the field.
    And will then refer the discovered information on the field to be analyzed and processed with the other contracting party in the field. BGP, which is a branch of China National Petroleum Corporation.

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